Topic :: Cube

Cube Interview Questions
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why loss of strength in concrete in 7 days cube test i am not geting mim 7 days strength that is 67 percent for M-35 and my mix design is perfect there is no doughty,and my results are near to 7days percentage but not 67 percent.

UPPSC Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission,

4 9337

What is the consumption of Brick in one meter cube both 6inch & 4inch thick

4 8095

1. What is CUBE Operator? 2. what are the new data types are available in sql server 2008? 3. Inisde a nested queries, how many subqueries u can have?

3 5487

what is InfoCube?what are the types and uses and in which Case it suppose to be use?


How to check for standard info Objects, InfoCubes, Ods/DSo,transformations, reports, queries..etc in bi7.0/bw3.5? (Is there any T-Codes to find out)

1 6650

How to model "to find the cube root of the given number" in Matlab Simulink ?

1 8840

why u r creating custom cube. wht is scenario to creating the custom cube.

4 11653

how to migrate the cube data from bw to bi? explain and give me the steps

3 7710

suppose you build a tower interlocking cubes that is 99 cubes high. And suppose you have to paint each square on the tower. How many squares would you have to paint?

9 11353

what is the techincal name for dimensions in a cube?


7 13711

how many types of infocubes are there

6 7575

How we can create the Intelligent cubes in Microstrategy?

2 13515

how u create cubes in ur project


2 5158

A cube of side 4cm is painted with 3 colors red, blue and green in such a way that opposite sides are painted in the same color. This cube is now cut into 64 cubes of equal size. 1. How many have at least two sides painted in different colors. 2. How many cubes have only one side painted. 3. How many cubes have no side painted. 4. How many have exactly one side not painted.


2 23902

given 2 cubes,arrange any number from 0-9 so dat wen put together whole month dates should appear.


1 3378

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Un-Answered Questions { Cube }

What are the steps to load non cumulative cube?


Give examples of data sources that support remote cubes?


How can we Maintain the Cube Security by Category level and Dimension level ?


can cubes contain measures ?


I have a reports on cognos ep7series version3 with database SQl2000.Now i am migrating database SQL2000 to SQL2005.Then What happens to cognos reports and also there is reports cubes then how can i handle this problem please give me step by step solution b'coz i am new to cognos ep7series


How to test a cube?


the factorial of non-negative integer n is written n! and is defined as follows: n!=n*(n-1)*(n-2)........1(for values of n greater than or equal to 1 and n!=1(for n=0) Perform the following 1.write a c program that reads a non-negative integer and computes and prints its factorial. 2. write a C program that estimates the value of the mathematical constant e by using the formula: e=1+1/!+1/2!+1/3!+.... 3. write a c program the computes the value ex by using the formula ex=1+x/1!+xsquare/2!+xcube/3!+....


How do we drill through from a powerplay cube to reportnet?\


5. How many repositories can we create in Informatica? 6. What is surrogate key? 7. What is difference between Mapplet and reusable transformation? 8. What is aggregate awareness? 9. Explain reference cursor? 10. What are parallel querys and query hints? 11. DWH architecture? 12. What are cursors? 13. Advantages of de normalized data? 14. What is operational data source (ODS)? 15. What is meta data and system catalog? 16. What is factless fact schema? 17. What is confirmed dimension? 18. What is the capacity of power cube? 19. Difference between PowerPlay transformer and power play reports? 20. What is IQD file? 21. What is Cognos script editor? 22. What is difference macros and prompts? 23. What is power play plug in? 24. Which kind of index is preferred in DWH? 25. What is hash partition? 26. What is DTM session? 27. How can you define a transformation? What are different types of transformations in Informatica? 28. What is mapplet? 29. What is query panel? 30. What is a look up function? What is default transformation for the look up function? 31. What is difference between a connected look up and unconnected look up? 32. What is staging area? 33. What is data merging, data cleansing and sampling? 34. What is up date strategy and what are th options for update strategy? 35. OLAP architecture? 36. What is subject area? 37. Why do we use DSS database for OLAP tools?


Hi, I would like to know how is the integration if we want to use Oracle Essbase as the Cube Engine, and present the Cube by Business Objects Presentation Layer? Can Oracle Essbase be integrated with Business Objects? Thanks,


10. How many queries did you use in the complex reports? 11. How will you use the joins in the queries used in your report? 12. How many reports did you create in your project? 13. How many cubes did you create in your project? 14. How will you create .iqd file in FM. 15. Was your package multilingual or single language? 16. If you have created a single language package…and you have a client who need to access that in other language…how will you do that? 17. How many dimensions and facts did you use in your reports? 18. How will you use your package in Analysis studio? 19. Something like types of files in power play like pyi..i don’t remember this question. 20. If you want to create a prompt with 4 list, not containing any value using value prompt, which when we will see in the run time…if we will select any list, it should show us the data related to that list. 21. What all kind of packages you can create using FM. 22. In your project was your cube a relational or multidimensional? 23. I replied MD for the above question then they asked why did you use that? 24. How do you publish a cube? 25. Slicer and dicer….its use…where is it used? 26. Bursting…. 27. How many types of query subjects are there? 28. Difference between before and after aggregation?


How do You Maintain a structure after getting cube test of low strength.


what are the cubes developed in a sap bw project and what is the requirement for developing it?


what are the info cube developed in a sap project?name them and what is the requirement?


what is InfoCube?what are the types and uses and in which Case it suppose to be use?