Topic :: GridView

GridView Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

HOw to Build a Nested GridView Control with ASP.NET?

2 13888

Give coding for Implementing a Fixed GridView Header in ASP.NET?

1 8071

In gridview in editmode if we want to display information in one combobox based on

FD, Microsoft,


How do you bind array to gridview? Will it works?


4 19578

What is difference b/w Data Grid in ASP.Net 1.1 and Gridview in 2.0

Bosch, IntraLogic,

11 22857

code for inserting images into gridview colomns from database


3 6997

What is the use of edititem template ingridview?

C Squared Systems, Microsoft,

1 4331

how to add a selected row of a gridview to another gridview without reloading the page??

2 4895

please exaplain gridview and what are the process available for it. how to add the row number automatically? is it possible to add child controls ?

2 3183

I am using a data table and a datagridview. I am creating two columns in data grid view : 1)DataGridViewComboBoxColumn 2)DataGridViewTextBoxColumn. The items of datagridviewcombo are the list of all items in data table column 1. I want that the data type of the DataGridViewTextBoxColumn should be the same as the data type of the item selected from the datagridviewcombo at runtime. How can I do that.Also I want that each cell in column of datatable should be of variable data type. Pls help. thnx.


1 4480

how to edit gridview control in asp.net2.0

3i Infotech,

1 6196

i have one gridview contains edititemtemplate(which contains update and cancel buttons) and i have one item template (contains edit button) i want the code for update and cancelbuttons in edit item template and i want the code for edit button in itemtemplate. please help me

4 7047

What is the best method to fill the GridView. using SqlDataReader or Dataset and why


5 9934

difference between gridview,data list and repeater control

ABC, Olive Tech,

7 56042

how would i implement dropdownlist in gridview using c#

2 5863

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Un-Answered Questions { GridView }

In gridview in editmode if we want to display information in one combobox based on


I am trying to implement sorting facility from client side code in GridView Control. So how can I fill up an Array inside client side code (using JavaScript), i want to assign my DataSet object declared and filled up on Server side(in code behind) to the array (on client side)


windows c# using datagridview in edit form sql server


How to update and insert from datagridview at run time in excel database?


Hello, Using Visual Studio 2005 (VB) I am working to create a Web Site implementing the following: Within a gridView I have placed a dropdownlist control with a DataSourceID="SDSLkupList". SDSLkupList is a sqlDataSource used to store a lookup list for dropdownlist translation from ID to text. SDSLkupList contains the translation text and other fields related to the dropdown selection ID. (Thought it would be efficient to get everything at the same time.) I would like to provide the user the ability to select from the dropdownlist and, based on the selection, use labels to list related columns stored on the SDSLkupList in separate gridView columns. I have read that SqlDataSources are not meant to be used for individual controls. Since SDSLkupList contains all related information, is there a way to do a find using the dropdownlist selectedValue? (I was not able to discover one.) Otherwise, what should I use? It would need to set the labels on the gridView DataRowBound event as well as the SelectedIndexChanged events. Has anyone done this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance. Neal


how to Create a datagridview control with check box column with 8rows in it, the maximum number of check boxes checked should be 3, when user checks the 4th corresponding message should be displayed and check box should be checked. User can uncheck the checked boxes Note: read-only property should not be used


Hi this is the coding for adding data in to an xml table i want the coding for update and delete Try Dim emp_xml_doc As New XmlDocument If System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("emp.xml")) Then emp_xml_doc.Load(Server.MapPath("emp.xml")) Dim myrow_element As XmlElement myrow_element = emp_xml_doc.CreateElement("EmpDetails") Dim str As String str = "" & TxtEmpId.Text & "" & _ "" & TxtName.Text & "" & _ "" & TxtSalary.Text & "" myrow_element.InnerXml = str emp_xml_doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(myrow_element) emp_xml_doc.Save(Server.MapPath("emp.xml")) Response.Write("Record Saved") Dim ds As New DataSet ds.ReadXml(Server.MapPath("emp.xml")) GridView1.DataSource = ds GridView1.DataBind() Else Response.Write("File does not exist.") End If Catch ex As Exception Response.Write(ex.ToString) End Try *********************** this is the xml file 100 xxx 2000 yyy dddd 77777 rrrr rrrr 6666 qaqa sini 50000 errrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr 677777 rrr rrr 33


How can we update records in gridview?Is there any appropriate code for it?


How we implement the multiple paypal value with gridview in my website and how we make a payment through Credit Card.


Write Code for DataSet,Datareader,and by deleting the button gridview should be empty?


i have a gird with columns all are coming from database,this will bind in item templete in gridview as textboxex.and i have button below named Update.i want to update all the records in the grid,but if user change the value of one textbox,what is the easy way 2 do this

2155 to encrpt query string in 2.there are 10000 records then i wnat display 5000 records one gridview and 5000 records another grid view what is the process?


How to Print GridView Data on Button Click using Javascript?


Dataset is the disconnected environment. suppose if you are binding records to gridview (disconnected environment) and you are making changes to the the grid but before updating the database if any other user modify the data, how will you avoid such problem?


What is the difference between GridView and Repeater controls in ASP.NET?