Topic :: Currency

Currency Interview Questions
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Explain how foreign currency revaluation works in sap r/3 fi?


How foreign currency revaluation works in sap r/3 fi?


Suppose you have the sales data in a database table in a different currency. How can you generate a sales report for a region in a particular currency?


What is the prerequisite for doing the currency conversion?


What are the factors that affect currency conversion?


What is the parallel and local currency in sap?


What is currency filter? What are the two ways to use currency filters?


What are the two ways to use currency filters?


What is currency filter?


What is a cryptocurrency?


How to change currency in inr in magento?


When setting up an adwords account, choose your currency and permanent time zone carefully. Because?


What is concurrency control?


Which are the ways of achieving concurrency in ios?


Explain the concurrency testing?


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I have a existing Oracle applicttions and need to bring one of the new business on it. The new business will use GL, AP and FA. We will use existing COA. This business will have 3 sets of books (1- tax book, from April to March; 2- Primary book, from July to June; 3- Reporting book, from July to June); All books will have same currency; HOW DO I TRANSFER DATA FROM PRIMARY BOOK INTO TAX AND REPORTING BOOKS EVERY MONTH OR ON WEEKLY? IS THERE ANY STANDARD ORACLE PROCESS WHICH CAN BE SCHEDULED? THE REPORTING BOOK WILL HAVE DIFFERENT DEPRECIATION METHOD SO HOW DO I NOT TRANSFER DEPRECIATION FROM PRIMARY TO REPORTING BOOK AND DO SEPERATE DEPRECIATION IN REPORTING BOOK FOR THE SAME ASSET THAT IS ALSO IN PRIMARY AND TAX BOOK?. HOW DO I APPROACH ON SETTING THESE NEW SETS OF BOOKS? Thanks, KK


Sales Order Information Report that lists information like sales order no, Item no, material no, Quantity, Quantity unit, Net value, Currency,Sub Total, Grand Total. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul


Hi friends, As we all know (Net Present Value)The Currency value decrease every year.How to assign the net present value in asset accounting. If we use that concept say for ex. the asset value is for 10 years.if we use NPV method the asset the asset life willbe less than that na.How to use that? Ram.


What are the legal entities that constitute your business? Does a legal entity have a seperate Federal Tax Id? In which country does a legal entity operate? In which currency does a legal entity operate? When does each legal entity's fiscal year begin?


Which Exchange determine Foreign Exchange/Currency Rate?


euro currency market


Why Does Currency Value Fluctuates?


Is there any relations in between Sensex and foreign currency values? like if the sensex increased then the value of Rs goes up over USD (United state doller)?


What is Going Concern, What is Dual Entry , What is Business entity and what are the names of Stock exchanges and currency of some countries, stock market related questions, Exchange rates, Banks and other informations


what are the activities made during multi currency handling


B -Credit Note report Selection Screen Ranges: Creation date Sales Org Sold to Party Selection condition: Document Category – VBTYP should be ‘O’ Table to be used: VBRK, VBRP,VBPA,ADRC List the CR order types or credit billing type by customer number (or selected customer) and displays the: - Billing Document date (FKDAT) - Customer number (KUNRG) - Name of the reseller (on top of the SAP No) (NAME1) - Billing document number,(VBELN) - order reason (AUGRU_AUFT) - Amount (NETWR) - Currency (WAERK) Group Currency wise, billing type wise sum of Net value. When user double click on field ‘Billing Document #’ , display the document in VF03 Do this using OO ABAP.


If i have a company in India doing purchase from Shrilanka, If i buy in Shrilankan local currency and make the payments in Indian Currency At the end of year how shall i settle the difference Exchange money in Books of Accounts.