Topic :: Lesion

Lesion Interview Questions
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In a lesion of the radial nerve, what muscle is associated with wrist drop?

1 2543

Is Bell's palsy an UMN or a LMN lesion?

3 9287

Name 2 locations for lesions in Syringomyelia?

1 2484

Name 3 locations for lesions in Vit.B12 neuropathy(Friedreich's ataxia)?

1 2574

What 2 areas have sensation deficit in a lesion of the median nerve?

1 2225

What 2 areas have sensation deficit in a lesion of the ulnar nerve?

1 2502

What 2 cutaneous nerves are lost in a lesion of the radial nerve?

1 2300

What 2 symptoms are seen with a lesion of the musculocutaneous nerve?

2 3791

What 2 symptoms are seen with a lesion of the ulnar nerve?

1 2451

What 3 muscles are lost in a lesion of the musculocutaneous nerve?

1 2435

What 3 muscles are lost in a lesion of the radial nerve?

1 2292

What 4 movements are limpaired in a lesion of the ulnar nerve?

1 2340

What 4 movements are lost in a lesion of the median nerve?

1 2490

Write short notes on Algorithm for investigating these lesions and role of diagnostic EUS in these patients?


How do you differentiate between upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron lesions based on clinical findings?


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Write short notes on Algorithm for investigating these lesions and role of diagnostic EUS in these patients?


How do you differentiate between upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron lesions based on clinical findings?