Topic :: Exception

Exception Interview Questions
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How do you test a method for an exception using junit?


What is the exception hierarchy in java?


How do you handle exceptions with try/except/finally in python?


What is exception handling? How do you achieve it in python?


What is exception handling in python?


How do you achieve exception handling in python?


What are the exception handling types in sfdc except try-catch block?


How to handle the null pointer exception in salesforce?


Why do I get a class not found exception when I try to use the shopping cart class?


How to handle exceptions in spring mvc environment?


Name the exceptions thrown by the spring dao classes?


How to create a custom exception?


What is exception hierarchy in java?


What is difference between checked and unchecked exception in java?


How to handle the exceptions using the recovery scenario manager in qtp?


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i would like to know the steps to write tsl exception and object exception with a simple example


How to Set break on exception in Delphi 4?


How to avoid "Random" Exceptions being raised when using TJPEGImage or the JPEG unit?


How to Handle exceptions in Delphi?


If you are using components in your application, how can you handle exceptions raised in a component?


How to handle exceptions in Thread objects ?


'External Exception C0000008' or 'Access Violation' . what does this error mean?


Q1.A. Write note on “The class path Environment Variable”? B. Which are different kinds of source code? Q2.A. How to create an interface? B. Why convert an applet to an application? Q3.A. How to use Media tracker Class. B. How to use string tokenizer class. Q4 A. Explain the overview of UDP messaging. B. Difference between SQL Exception class and SQL Warning class. Q5. A. How to create com object in Java? B. Write short notes on “The properties class” Q6. A. When object is created and destroyed? B. Explain the JDB in depth & command line. C. Write short notes on Web Sites.


Q1. A. What is unary operator? List out the different operators involved in the unary operator. B. What is an adjust field format flag? Q2. A. Distinguish between a # include and #define. B. Can a list of string be stored within a two dimensional array? Q3. A.Explain how a pointer to function can be declared in C++? B.List the merits and demerits of declaring a nested class in C++? Q4. A. What are the syntactic rules to be avoid ambiguity in multiple inheritence? B. Explain the operation of overloading of an assignment operator. Q5. A. Explain how the virtual base class is different from the conventional base classes of the opps. B. Explain how an exception handler is defined and invoked in a Program. Q6. A. What is a binary file? List the merits and demerits of the binary file usagein C++. B. Write short notes on Text Manipulation Routines. C. Write bites in Turbo c++ Header (“Include”) Files.


Hi, this is murthysharma. I need very urgently about some terms which are used in use cases? Plz give reply to me, if any body know, It is really very very urgent. 1. what is the difference between basic flow,exception flow and alternative flow? 2.what are non-functional requirements in use cases? 3.what are exceptions, special requirements, business rules, assumptions, constraints. Kindly give me with the example. Bcoz, I am very new to this use cases. thanks in Advance. Regards, M.MurthySharma


Hello I am hosting remoting within IIS. Everything works just fine as long as I allow anonymous access at the IIS level. When I allow only Windows Authenticated sessions, something very strange happens: If the client activates the remote object with IP address - works fine If the client activates it using a machine name - get http 401 exception is thrown. The exception is thrown when the client calls the remote method. I set the channel's useDefaultCredentials property to true. Any idea how to allow Windows Authentication? Here is the call stack: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized .. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The target principal name is incorrect at System.Net.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(Byte[] incomingBlob, Boolean handshakeComplete) at System.Net.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(String incomingBlob, Boolean handshakeComplete) at System.Net.NegotiateClient.DoAuthenticate(String challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials, Boolean preAuthenticate) at System.Net.NegotiateClient.DoAuthenticate(String challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials, Boolean preAuthenticate) at System.Net.NegotiateClient.Authenticate(String challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials) at System.Net.AuthenticationManager.Authenticate(String challenge, WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials) at System.Net.AuthenticationState.AttemptAuthenticate (HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, ICredentials authInfo) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---


how to handle exceptions in ejb?


oledbdataadpter with ms access in giving exception System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException while writing adapter.update(dataset,"tabname"); how to update the database from dataset?