Topic :: Fungi

Fungi Interview Questions
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The study of fungi is called (1) Genetics (2) Mycology (3) Algae (4) Physiology

2 3591

what are the essential chartaristics of fungi?


what is the scientific name of kingdom fungi?


what are the differences between algae and fungi?

1 2415

Fungi lack chlorophyll,than why they considered evolutionary more advance than algae?


Why Fungi are included in the plant group,as it lacks chlorophyll?

2 3385

Explain the importance of fungi in medicine?


What do you call a person who studies fungi?

2 9312

what the association between blue-green algae and fungi is called?

4 13523

economic importance of fungi&algae.

2 4951

Explain about Fungi?

1 906

What are the main respective constituents of cell walls in bacteria, protists, fungi and plants?


in the classification of organisms, four of the 5 kingdoms are animalia, plantae, fungi, and protista. What is the fifth?


In the classification of organisms, four of the 5 kingdoms are animalia, plantae, fungi, and protista. Name the fifth?

1 915

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You have been provided with a set of plates of fungi isolated from a diseased leaf, one Chytridiomycota, one Zygomycota, one Ascomycota and one Basidiomycota. The signs of infection indicate that the disease has been caused by a member of Ascomycota which does not form a sexual stage easily. What features would you look for in your isolates to indicate if the target fungus was present?


In cleared and stained root material you have seen structures that appear to be empty sacs in the epidermal cells with ostioles that exit to the soil. Which division are these fungi likely to be from?


what is the scientific name of kingdom fungi?


Fungi lack chlorophyll,than why they considered evolutionary more advance than algae?


Explain the importance of fungi in medicine?


what are the recent ly discovrved economicimportance of fungi


What are the main respective constituents of cell walls in bacteria, protists, fungi and plants?


in the classification of organisms, four of the 5 kingdoms are animalia, plantae, fungi, and protista. What is the fifth?