Topic :: Struts

Struts Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How to do registration form using struts and hibernate?

1 6583

how to connect from struts to database through hibernet and where u can modify the class



what is the main reason for developing struts? what is advantages over Basic MVC architecture based JAVA Application?

1 4148

1.can we transfer a request from one struts application to another struts application? 2. how many types of action servlets r there what r they



what is struts? why Struts?

CTS, Infosys, TCS,

6 8198

how to check single or double byte in struts


what is the struts internal code?


1 4564

Can u call Action class methods fro struts-config.xml file?


2 5214

Can you call Action class methods from Struts config.xml?


1 5587

how to develop the submit and search operations in single jsp using struts?



struts 1.3 features?

Integra, Zensar,

1 11398

Which is the better framework for web applications, struts or spring, and why?


1 3930

what are the design patterns in struts?

1 3234

how to debug struts project in netbean ?


What is the use of ActionErrors in Struts

1 3770

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How to enable or disable a row of a table using MySQL in struts?


whats is mean by tiles in struts


wahts is mean by dynavalidatorform in struts/


CANDOR Services, a leading provider of next-generation staffing services, draws from unparalleled resources and expertise to offer you innovative, quality workforce solutions. We have openings for "J2EE ARCHITECT" with one of our clients. Client is CMM Level 5 company. Location : Hyderabad Roles A J2EE Architect with expertise in Web Architecture (covering Spring MVC, AOP, Webflow, Struts, Tiles, Hibernate, JAAS, Web Application Performance Turning & Measurement) as part of Solutions Architecture Group: Position involves in providing architectural vision, conceptualize and provide architectural approaches, create models and specifications, and validating the architecture against requirements and assumptions. Also involves in providing oversight over ongoing projects as a reviewer and auditor Educational Requirements A minimum of BS or MS (MS preferred) in Computer Science or Engineering or equivalent experience in the IT industry. Skill Sets Overall 8-10 Years of experience in IT industry with 3-4 Years of experience in Service industry Technology Skills Java, J2EE, MVC Frameworks (Struts/WebWork/JSF/Spring), Spring, AOP, WebFlow, ORM Tools (Hibernate/Ibatis/JDO/Tapestry), App servers, Databases, JAAS Web Application Performance Tuning & Measurement 6+ years Java software development experience. 4+ years of enterprise Java development, with emphasis on web-based applications. Strong relational database and SQL skills (5+ years). Mail to :


while working struts in intellij 7.0error unable to initialize tld location cache: zip file is closed is displayed anybdy can answer me immdialy .ungert


I have deployed a .war file in my application server comprising of struts and hibernate.If i want to change the "dialect" property of hibernate cfg file how can i change(I have only .war file)... Thanks in advance


How to merge Action Form with Dyna Action Form in Struts.


Which method protects back button to retrieve old value from previous page in Struts.


What is the difference between Struts and JSF? Pls list some most suitable differences.


Hi friends am new to java. I read jar file means collection of java files. For executing struts application what are the necessary jar files. " struts.jar " file contains what. can u explain


Hi Friends. I want complete technical flow of j2ee project with following technologies. jsp , servlet , Struts , Hibernate , (should follow mvc-2 design pattern) . with DAO ,DTO SERVICE layers .


I Have A Plan to develop a Project in Struts,I want the template of struts project with Hibernate.Canany body provide me the required information?


m creating a web project in struts. when i deploys war file through myeclipse 8.x to web server tomcat6.x. first time this war file is deploy successfully bt when we change somthng in my jsp or anywhere in my project ...thn we need to deploy again so tht m gettng this erro. plzzz tell me where i was wrong?? war file is diployed successfully.....i mentioned it by ******* . and after tht m getng error...Undeploying context [/gfwrd] May 23, 2010 7:40:23 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin;C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin May 23, 2010 7:40:23 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-7070 May 23, 2010 7:40:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load INFO: Initialization processed in 2947 ms May 23, 2010 7:40:24 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start INFO: Starting service Catalina May 23, 2010 7:40:24 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.16 May 23, 2010 7:40:27 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-7070 May 23, 2010 7:40:27 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init INFO: JK: ajp13 listening on / May 23, 2010 7:40:27 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/109 config=null May 23, 2010 7:40:27 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start INFO: Server startup in 3824 ms ************************************************************ ******************* May 23, 2010 7:51:28 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR INFO: Deploying web application archive gfwrd.war ************************************************************ ******************** May 23, 2010 7:54:10 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig checkResources INFO: Undeploying context [/gfwrd] May 23, 2010 7:54:10 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR INFO: Deploying web application archive gfwrd.war


Java openings 3 - 5 years, Lnt Infotech. requirements - core java, J2ee, struts, hibernate Interview Date:- 19 March 2011 Time:- 9:00 AM to 12:00 Pm Interview Location - L & T Infotech, Manapakkam, Chennai Refererral PS NO:- 291649 (Please mention this when u fill the form only then u will be considered for interview) Documents Required:- Latest Resume, Photograph and last 3 payslips Mail me on once u appear for interview


in struts how to use hibernate with struts>