Topic :: Animal

Animal Interview Questions
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How do Acoelomates differ from animals with a coelom in terms of body structure and organization?


Can you compare and contrast Acoelomates with other types of animals, such as Pseudocoelomates and Coelomates?


How has the study of Acoelomates contributed to our understanding of animal evolution and development?


Can you propose potential hypotheses for why certain animal groups evolved as Acoelomates rather than developing a coelom?


Explain your approach to designing animal housing and facilities that promote animal welfare and efficient management.


Un-Answered Questions { Animal }

Which fashion designer won't use animal products such as leather in fashion clothes or accessories?


What are the two ways that animal viruses may penetrate their host cell?


Does anyone know of any genetic defects on animals? I'm just curious why I've never seen an animal with gigantism, or dwarfism, or down syndrome. I'm sure they all dont die at birth. I'm really interested in some information on this. thanks


What is a transgenic animal? A transgenic knockout mouse? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such animals for neuroscientific studies? Please give one or two specific examples.


Why do some animals have larger brains than others? Why do animals with larger bodies have larger brains? How does brain size relate to metabolism or to longevity?


In hogs a gene that produces a white belt around the animal's body is dominant over its allele for a uniform body. Another independent dominant gene produces fusion of the hoof (syndactyly). Suppose a uniformly colored hog homozygous for syndactyly is mated with a normal footed hog homozygous for the belted character. What would be the phenotype of the F1? If the F1's interbreed, what would be the phenotypic ratio of the F2?


Can Any one help me out to setup a dairy plant on small scale starting with 20 odd animals?


Say you want to store the information about a number of pets in an array. Typical information that you could store for each pet (where relevant) would be • Breed of animal • Animal's name • Its birth date • Its sex • Whether it has been sterilised or not • When it is due for its next inoculation • When it last had its wings clipped For each type of pet (eg. dog, cat or bird) you would typically define a class to hold the relevant data. Note: You do not need to implement these classes. Just answer the following questions. 3.1.1 What would be the advantage of creating a superclass (eg. Pet) and declaring an array of Pet objects over simply using an array of Objects, storing each of the instances of the different pet classes (eg. Dog, Cat or Bird) in it? 3.1.2 Would you define Pet as a class or as an interface? Why? (2) (2)


Question 1 [8] Draw a UML class diagram for the code fragment given below: public class StringApplet extends Applet { private Label sampleString; private Button showTheString; private ButtonHandler bHandler; private FlowLayout layout; public StringApplet() { sampleString = new Label(" "); showTheString = new Button (" Show the String"); bHandler = new ButtonHandler(); layout = new FlowLayout(); showTheString.addActionListener(bHandler); setLayout(layout); add(sampleString); add(showTheString); } class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { samplestring.setText("Good Morning"); } } } Note: The methods need not be indicated on the diagram. 6 Question 2 [10] The following program reads data (details of students) from a file named students.txt and converts it into e-mail addresses. The results are written to a file named studentemail.txt. students.txt consists of a number of lines, each containing the data of a student in colon delimited format: Last Name:First Name:Student Number Each input record is converted to an e-mail address and written to studentemail.txt in the following format: the first character of the last name + the first character of the first name + the last four digits of the student number + “” import*; public class EmailConverter { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader ("students.txt")); PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter ("studentemail.txt")); String line = input.readLine(); while (line != null) { // Extract the information for each student String[] items = line.split(":"); // Generate the email address String email = "" + items[0].charAt(0) + items[1].charAt(0) + items[2].substring(4,8) + ""; email = email.toLowerCase(); // Output output.println(email); line = input.readLine(); } input.close(); output.close(); } } Rewrite the class so that it handles possible errors that may occur. In particular, it should do the following: • It should catch at least three appropriate exceptions that might occur, and display suitable messages. • At this stage, the program will not run correctly if there is an empty line in the input file. Change the program so that if an empty line is encountered, an exception is thrown and the empty line is ignored. This exception should be handled with the display of a suitable error message. • Before the e-mail address is added to the output file, check if the student number has 8 digits. If not, throw an InvalidFormatException (which the program should not handle itself). COS2144/102 7 Question 3 [12] 3.1 Say you want to store the information about a number of pets in an array. Typical information that you could store for each pet (where relevant) would be • Breed of animal • Animal's name • Its birth date • Its sex • Whether it has been sterilised or not • When it is due for its next inoculation • When it last had its wings clipped For each type of pet (eg. dog, cat or bird) you would typically define a class to hold the relevant data. Note: You do not need to implement these classes. Just answer the following questions. 3.1.1 What would be the advantage of creating a superclass (eg. Pet) and declaring an array of Pet objects over simply using an array of Objects, storing each of the instances of the different pet classes (eg. Dog, Cat or Bird) in it? 3.1.2 Would you define Pet as a class or as an interface? Why? (2) (2) 3.2 Consider the following class: public class Point { protected int x, y; public Point(int xx, int yy) { x = xx; y = yy; } public Point() { this(0, 0); } public int getx() { return x; } public int gety() { return y; } public String toString() { return "("+x+", "+y+")"; } } Say you wanted to define a rectangle class that stored its top left corner and its height and width as fields. 3.2.1 Why would it be wrong to make Rectangle inherit from Point (where in fact it would inherit the x and y coordinates for its top left corner and you could just add the height and width as additional fields)? (1) 8 Now consider the following skeleton of the Rectangle class: public class Rectangle { private Point topLeft; private int height, width; public Rectangle(Point tl, int h, int w) { topLeft = tl; height = h; width = w; } public Rectangle() { this(new Point(), 0, 0); } // methods come here } 3.2.2 Explain the no-argument constructor of the Rectangle class given above. 3.2.3 Write methods for the Rectangle class to do the following: • a toString() method that returns a string of the format "top left = (x, y); height = h; width = w " where x, y, h and w are the appropriate integer values. • an above() method that tests whether one rectangle is completely above another (i.e. all y values of the one rectangle are greater than all y values of the other). For example, with the following declarations Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(); Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(new Point(2,2), 1, 4); the expression r2.above(r1) should give true, and r2.above (r2) should give false. (You can assume that the height of a rectangle is never negative.) (2) (5) Question 4 [8] 4.1 Supply contracts (in the form of comments specifying pre- and post conditions) for the enqueue() method of the LinkedQueue class given in the Appendix. (2) 4.2 Let Thing be a class which is capable of cloning objects, and consider the code fragment: Thing thing1 = new Thing(); //(1) Thing thing2 = thing1; //(2) Thing thing3 = (Thing) thing1.clone(); //(3) Explain how the objects thing2 and thing3 differ from each other after execution of the statements. (4) COS2144/102 9 Question 5 [15] Consider the following classes, illustrating the Strategy design pattern: import java.awt.*; abstract class Text { protected TextApplet tA; protected Text(TextApplet tApplet) { tA = tApplet; } abstract public void draw(Graphics g); } class PlainText extends Text { protected PlainText(TextApplet tApplet) { super(tApplet); } public void draw(Graphics g) { g.setColor(tA.getColor()); g.setFont(new Font("Sans-serif", Font.PLAIN, 12)); g.drawString(tA.getText(), 20, 20); } } class CodeText extends Text { protected CodeText(TextApplet tApplet) { super(tApplet); } public void draw(Graphics g) { g.setColor(tA.getColor()); g.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12)); g.drawString(tA.getText(), 20, 20); } } public class TextApplet extends java.applet.Applet { protected Text text; protected String textVal; protected Color color; public String getText() { return textVal; } public Color getColor() { return color; } public void init() { textVal = getParameter("text"); String textStyle = getParameter("style"); String textColor = getParameter("color"); if (textStyle == "code") text = new CodeText(this); else text = new PlainText(this); if (textColor == "red") color = Color.RED; else if (textColor == "blue") color = Color.BLUE; else color = Color.BLACK; } public void paint(Graphics g) { text.draw(g); 10 } } The Text class is more complicated than it should be (there is too much coupling between the Text and TextApplet classes). By getting rid of the reference to a TextApplet object in the Text class and setting the colour in the paint() method, one could turn the Text class into an interface and simplify the strategy classes considerably. 5.1 Rewrite the Text and PlainText classes to do what is described above. (6) 5.2 Explain the consequent changes that are necessary to the TextApplet class. (4) 5.3 Write an additional strategy class called FancyText (to go with your simplified strategy classes) to allow fancy text to be displayed for the value "fancy" provided for the style parameter. It should use the font Font ("Serif", Font.ITALIC, 12). (3) 5.4 Explain what changes are necessary to the TextApplet class for this. (2) Question 6 [9] 6.1 In what situations (in general) would you use a TreeMap? (3) 6.2 In what situations (in general) would you use a HashSet to store a collection of values? (3) 6.3 Name three software design patterns (besides the Strategy pattern) that are covered in the syllabus of COS2144. (3) Question 7 [8] Consider the following class and answer the questions below it: public class StackWithGuard extends Stack { public StackWithGuard(int size) { super(size); } synchronized public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty(); } synchronized public boolean isFull() { return super.isFull(); } synchronized public int getSize() { return super.getSize(); } synchronized public void push(Object obj) { try { while (isFull()) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {} super.push(obj); COS2144/102 11 notify(); } synchronized public Object pop() { try { while (isEmpty()) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {} Object result = super.pop(); notify(); return result; } public static void main(String args[]) { StackWithGuard stack = new StackWithGuard(5); new Producer(stack, 15).start(); new Consumer(stack, 15).start(); } } Note: The Stack class is provided in the Appendix. Note also: The following questions all refer to the pop() method of the StackWithGuard class given above. 7.1 What does the synchronized keyword ensure for this method? (2) 7.2 Why is a while loop used to test whether the stack is empty? In other words, why wouldn't the following if statement be sufficient? if (isEmpty()) { wait(); } (2) 7.3 Why is the result of popping (provided by the inherited pop() method) stored in a temporary variable? In other words, why wouldn't the following statement be sufficient? return super.pop(); (2) 7.4 Why is the while loop placed in a try-catch structure? (2) Appendix The LinkedQueue class: public class LinkedQueue implements Queue { private Node first, last; private int count; public LinkedQueue() { first = last = null; count =0; } public int size() { return count; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (count == 0); 12 } public void enqueue(Object o) { Node node = new Node(); node.element = o; = null; node.prev = last; if (last != null){ = node; } else { last = first = node; } last = node; count++; } public void dequeue() { if ((first!= null) & (!=null)) { first =; first.prev = null; count--; } else { first = last = null; count--; } } public Object front() { return first; } } class Node { Object element; Node next, prev; } The Stack class: public class Stack { protected Object rep[]; protected int top = -1; protected int size = 0; protected int count = 0; public Stack(int size) { if (size > 0) { this.size = size; rep = new Object[size]; } } public boolean isFull() { return (count == size); } public boolean isEmpty() { return (count == 0); } public int getSize() { return size; } public void push(Object e) { if (e != null && !isFull()) { COS2144/102 13 top++; rep[top] = e; count ++; } } public Object pop() { Object result = null; if (!isEmpty()) { result = rep[top]; top--; count--; } return result; } }


do you get to deal with animals hands on wile in college


what do need a national park vairious animal park in india. how can be conserved national park.


why animal cells are not totipotent like plant cell?


ssc steno re-exam question paper english 101. serveral guests noticed Mr. sharma / collapsing in his chair/ and gasping for breath/ no error 102. This is our second reminder/ and we are much surprised/ at receiving no answer from you/ no error 103. you should/ be always greatful/ to your mentor. / no error 104. the furnitures/ had become old and rusty./ no error 105. most people/ are afraid of/ swine flu these days. / no error 106 I may not be able / to attend/ to the function. / no error 107 he is / residing here / since 1983/ no error 108 at his return/ we asked him/ many questions/ no error 109 the chief guest entered into/ the room./ no error 110. she is/ very angry /on him /no error fill in the blanks 111. we shall go for a picnic if the weather......... good a is b was c has been d had been 112. mr and mrs joshi go for a ..... walk just before dinner. a vibrant b brisk c vivacious d slow 113 ............ weight gain or weight loss is not good for your body a explosive b expressive c extensive d excessive 114 john must have the ...... to stick to his diet, if he wants to lose weight. a obstinacy b determination c decision d obligation 115 there was an .......... response for the marathon. a overwhelming b overriding c excessive d extreme 116 some animals have unique......... that allow them to survive in extreme weather conditions. a characteristics b problems c feelings d conditions 117 did the boys turn.... for football practice? a up b on c back d in 118 the fireman managed to put.... the fire. a away b down c out d off 119 the pupil was asked to write ...... his name on the front page of the exercise book a back b in c down d about 120 the teacher found many mistakes in my composition, when she went.... it a into b about c for d though 121 to 125 choose the correct alternative in case no improvement is needed your answer is d 121 the advancements in medical science has proved to be a boon for all of us. a has proven b had proven c have proved d no improvement 122. educational facilities in under developed nations are often limiting. limited limitless delimiting no improvement 123 docors are known for their illegible handwriting ineligible eligible incorrigible no improvement 124 he cited a number of reasons for his absence a sited b recited c sighted d no improvement 125 he received many praised for his latest invention great may praises much praise too much praises no improvement idiom/ phrase 126 yesterday in a collision between a truck and a car he had a close shave. a maintain cleanliness b remove the entire hair c a narrow escape d close relations 127 the piece of parental property has created bad blood between the two brothers a impure relation b ill matched temper c active enmity d bad parentage 128 since you couldb't accept a timely warning, it's no use repenting now. why cry over spilt milk cry over irreparable loss to regret uselessly cry needlessly feel guilty of 129 after fifteen years of marriage she did not expect her husband to leave her in the lurch listen to her provoke her ignore her desert her 130 who are we to sit in judgement over their choices a lecture b criticize c speak d communicate 131 the teacher took me to task for not completing my homework a gave me additional homework punished me took me to the principlal redcuced my homework 132 do not lose your head when faced with a difficult situation a forget anything b neglect anything c panic d get jealous 133 when i entered the hosue everything was at sixes and sevens a quarrel among six or seven people to have six or seven visitors at a time in disorder or confusion an unpleasant argument 134 he was pulled up by the director of the company assaulted \ dragged reprimanded cleared 135 the storm broguht about great destruction in the valley invited caused succeeded halted opposite meaning 136 stationary- standing speedy moving fast 137 fictitious- real ambitious unbelievable imaginary 138 acquitted- jailed exonerated convicted accused 139 exhaustive- interesting short incomplete complete 140 sacrifice - assimilate abandon acquire absorb 141 thoroughly- superficially carefully freely callously 142 gradual - unscrupulous dynamic rapid enthuiastic 143 retain- remember release unfurl engage 144 enmity- rivalry amicability animosity proximity 145 diligent- incompletent lazy entravagant frugal choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word 146 imaginary- fabulous ficititious factitious fallacious 147 tranquil- tremendous dynamic treacherous peaceful 148 sordid sore unpleasant splendid dissatisfied 149 nefarious- docile natural neurotic wicked 150 mellow- melodious dramatic genial fruity 151 boisterous- boyish huge sound noisy 152 shines glows dazzles blazes glitters 153 circuitous- short roundabout circular different 154 insensitive- repulsive revolting cunning callous 155- dearth- scarcity familiarity closeness relation 156 to 160 PQRS 156. 1. once there was a king p. on the next day a group of merchants passed on that way q. the people in his kingdom were very lazy r the king wanted to teach them a lesson s one night he had arranged a big stone in the middle of the road 6. they didn't move the stone, but passed round it sqrp roqs qrsp qsrp 171 to 175 active passive 171. india is evolving a new plan to control here population a a new plan is evolved by india to control here population b a new plan has been evolved by india to control her population c a new plan was being evolved to control her population by india d a new plan is being evolved by india to control her population 172. we found the lock broken last night a. the lock was found by us breaking last night the lock was found by us broken last night c the lock was broken by us last night d the broken lock we found last night 173. they should shoot the traitor dead. a the traitor should be shot at by them b the traitor should be shot them c the traitor should be shot dead by them. d the traitor is shot by them 174. who inaugurated the fair? the fair was inaugurated by whom the fair is inaugurated by who by whom was the fair inaugurated by who was the fair inaugurated 175 close the doors a let the doors are closed the doors are to be closed c let the doors be closed d allwow the doors to close in the following passage some of the words have been left out. first read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given India and 25 other countries agreed to the copenhagen accord even as other developing countries accepted it as an irreversible decision later. the accord come out of ......181 bargaining lasting almost 20 hours among......182 of governments of some of the most.....183 countries of the world. at the ....184 of the day on saturday, india.....185 to have given ground on some ......186 but blocked intrusion on other red lines. It had become.....187 within the first week of the .....188 that the best even the four emerging and.....189 economies of the developing world were going to do was to defend the......190 economic resource sharing regimes. 181 difficult hard easy early 182 rulers kings heads chiefs 183 influential corrupted useless beautiful 184 middle evening night end 185 proved appeared viewed cleared 186 materials thougts issues discussions 187 evident ambiguous vague indecisive 188 accord talks issues thoughts 189 economic political powerful praiseworthy 190 expected existing resultant consequential passage the stone age was a period of history which began in approximately 2 million bc and lasted until 3000 bc its name was derived from the stone tools and weapons that modern scientist discovered. this period was divided into the paleolithic, mesolithic, and neolithic ages. during the first period 2 million to 8000 bc the fist hatched and the use of fire for heating and cooking were developed. as a result of the ice age, which evolved about 1 million years in the paleolithic age, people were forced to seek shelther in caves, wear clothing and develop new tools. During the mesolithic age 8000 to 6000 bc people made crude pottery and the first fish hooks, took dogs for hunting, and developed a bow and arrowk, which was used until the fourteenth century ad. The nbeolithic age 6000 to 3000 bc saw human kind domesticating sheep, goats, pigs and cattle, becoming less nomadic than in the previous ages, establishing permanent settements and creating goverments. 191 the stone age was divided into ------------ periods five four three six 192 what developed first in the paleolithic period the bow and arrow pottery the fist hatched the fish hook 193 which period lasted longest paleolithic ice age mesolithic neolithic 194 for how many years did mesolithic age exist 2000 3000 4000 5000 195 when did people create governments 8000 - 6000 bc 2 million to 8000 bc 6000 to 3000 bc 2 million to 1 million bc


1. do you like your job 2. How long does it take you to be one 3. How is interacting with the animals 4. What do you like better whales or dolphins you think your job is important v 6. when did you first realize you wanted to be a marine biologist? 7. how many hours do you generally work in a week 8. what is your greatest memory as a marine biologist your opinion what is the greatest thing in being a marine biologist 10. do you specialize in any area? if so what 11. what is a typical day in your career you travel a lot. 13. what school subjects would help you for this career. 14.what kind of species do you work with 15. do you like the people your work with


Agonistic behavior, or aggression, is exhibited by most of the more than three million species of animals on this planet. Animal behaviorists still disagree on a comprehensive definition of the term, hut aggressive behavior can be loosely described as any action that harms an adversary or compels it to retreat. Aggression may serve many purposes, such as Food gathering, establishing territory, and enforcing social hierarchy. In a general Darwinian sense, however, the purpose of aggressive behavior is to increase the individual animal’s—and thus, the species’—chance of survival. Aggressive behavior may he directed at animals of other species, or it may be conspecific—that is, directed at members of an animal’s own species. One of the most common examples of conspecific aggression occurs in the establishment and maintenance of social hierarchies. In a hierarchy, social dominance is usually established according to physical superiority; the classic example is that of a pecking order among domestic fowl. The dominance hierarchy may be viewed as a means of social control that reduces the incidence of attack within a group. Once established, the hierarchy is rarely threatened by disputes because the inferior animal immediately submits when confronted by a superior. Two basic types of aggressive behavior are common to most species: attack and defensive threat. Each type involves a particular pattern of physiological and behavioral responses, which tends not to vary regardless of the stimulus that provokes it. For example, the pattern of attack behavior in cats involves a series of movements, such as stalking, biting, seizing with the forepaws and scratching with tile hind legs, that changes very little regardless of the stimulus—that is, regardless of who or what the cat is attacking. The cat’s defensive threat response offers another set of closely linked physiological and behavioral patterns. The cardiovascular system begins to pump blood at a faster rate, in preparation for sudden physical activity. The eves narrow and the ears flatten against the side of the cat’s head for protection, and other vulnerable areas of the body such as the stomach and throat are similarly contracted. Growling or hissing noises and erect fur also signal defensive threat. As with the attack response, this pattern of responses is generated with little variation regardless of the nature of the stimulus. Are these aggressive patterns of attack and defensive threat innate, genetically programmed, or are they learned? The answer seems to be a combination of both. A mouse is helpless at birth, but by its l2th day of life can assume a defensive threat position by backing up on its hind legs. By the time it is one month old, the mouse begins to exhibit the attack response. Nonetheless, copious evidence suggests that animals learn and practice aggressive behavior; one need look no further than the sight of a kitten playing with a ball of string. All the elements of attack—stalking, pouncing, biting, and shaking—are part of the game that prepares the kitten for more serious situations later in life. 7) The passage asserts that animal social hierarchies are generally stable because: a) the behavior responses of the group are known by all its members. b) the defensive threat posture quickly stops most conflicts. c) inferior animals usually defer to their physical superior. d) the need for mutual protection from other species inhibits conspecific aggression. 8) According to the author, what is the most significant physiological change undergone by a cat assuming the defensive threat position? a) An increase in cardiovascular activity b) A sudden narrowing of the eyes c) A contraction of the abdominal muscles d) The author does not say which change is most significant 9) Based on the information in the passage about agonistic behavior, it is reasonable to conclude that: I. the purpose of agonistic behavior is to help ensure the survival of the species. II. agonistic behavior is both innate and learned. III. conspecific aggression is more frequent than i aggression. a) I only b) II only c) I and II only d) I,II and III only 10) Which of the following would be most in accord with the information presented in the passage? a) The aggressive behavior of sharks is closely inked to their need to remain in constant motion. b) fine inability of newborn mice to exhibit the attack response proves that aggressive behavior must be learned. c) Most animal species that do riot exhibit aggressive behavior are prevented from doing so by environmental factors. d) Members of a certain species of hawk use the same method to prey on both squirrels and gophers. 11) The author suggests that the question of whether agonistic behavior is genetically programmed or learned: a) still generates considerable controversy among animal behaviorists. b) was first investigated through experiments on mice. c) is outdated since most scientists now believe the genetic element to be most important. d) has been the subject of extensive clinical study. 12) Which of the following topics related to agonistic behavior is NOT explicitly addressed in the passage? a) The physiological changes that accompany attack behavior in cats b) The evolutionary purpose of aggression c) Conspecific aggression that occurs in dominance hierarchies d) The relationship between play and aggression 13) The author of this passage is primarily concerned with: a) analyzing the differences between attack behavior and defensive threat behavior. b) introducing a subject currently debated among animal behaviorists. c) providing a general overview of aggressive behavior in animals. d) illustrating various manifestations of agonistic behavior among mammals.