Topic :: Multiply

Multiply Interview Questions
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Give a fast way to multiply a number by 7

Accenture, Aricent, Microsoft,

15 47426

If instead of multiplying a number by 7 the number was divided by 7. What should be the percentage error? (a) 100% (b) 96.8% (c) 92.70% (d) 97.9% (e) None of these


4 29613

ORA-33302: (DBVALID01) SEVERE ERROR: Record number multiply used.

1 2108


4 18174

Multiply all the integers from -4 to +4. The product obtained is

Ignou, Oil India,

3 4863

How many years will take for to multiply an amount in Indira Vikas Patra?

2 4117

Write a program to multiply 3x3 matrics

1 3340

what is multiplying factor of a energy meter connected with a CT ratio of 600/5 and voltage at 415 volts.

1 7123

why we multiply 11 in High Electric supply?(eg.11KV, 33Kv, 330Kv etc.)

3 5907

write a program for 7*8 = 56 ? without using * multiply operator ? output = 56


6 9509

why we multiply no. of purchasing year with average profit


how to calculate the multiplying factor for energy meter with CT ratio given

Bhel, Dalmia Group, DIFC, Fedco, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Lupin, MahaDiscom, MAL Pakistan, Myunghwa Automotive, Panchshil Infrastructure, Regala, RVPN, VIPL,

23 253740

When will you multiply and devide with derating factors to the actual value while sizing the cable?


when user give a number it multiply with 9 without useing '+' and '*' oprator

4 4437

wtite a program that will multiply two integers in recursion function


4 14986

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Bootstrap analysis evaluates evolutionary trees by sampling columns from the original alignment with replacement (multiplying or removing some of them) and computing a proportion of times that a particular branch appears in the resulting trees. What is the main idea behind this approach?


why we multiply no. of purchasing year with average profit


When will you multiply and devide with derating factors to the actual value while sizing the cable?


write a program that asks for 2 floating point numbers and multiply numbers together,print to screen. then ask the user how many digits it needs to display to the right of the decimal and print the product again w the new precision...


please send me the code for multiplying sparse matrix using c


could you please send the program code for multiplying sparse matrix in c????


while calculating KVA using Volt and Ampere Reading, why we multiply the result with Square Root of 3 (i.e, 1.73)?


write a programe to accept any two number and check the following condition using goto state ment.if a>b,print a & find whether it is even or odd and then print.and a


-/5A. What is the meaning and limitations of this in energy meter constant. It is a 3 phase LT Energy Meter. If this Energy Meter is connected through a CT of ratio 200/5 Amps, then what is the multiplying constant and how its will be calculated.


How to calculate the multiplying factor for energy meter with ct ratio given


a c code by using memory allocation for add ,multiply of sprase matrixes


Using functions, write a program that multiplies two arrays. Use the following functions: - Function ReadArray - Function MultiplyArrays - Function DisplayArrays


How we calculate the Multiplying Factor of Kwh meter for 3 phase alternator.


Write a function that takes an array of integers and efficiently calculates and returns the Least Common Multiply in python.


4-Take two sets of 5 numbers from user in two arrays. Sort array 1 in ascending and array 2 in descending order. Perform sorting by passing array to a function mySort(array, sortingOrder). Then multiply both the arrays returned from function, using metric multiplication technique in main. Print result in metric format.