Complete this sentence in 100 words...........
i am going down on the street and suddenly......

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Complete this sentence in 100 words........... i am going down on the street and suddenly........

Answer / chandru

a car coming fast(nearly 60to 70 k mph in opposite to me in
the road the small boys are playing cricket in side of the
road and one boy crossing road for ball its in opposite of
the road the boy didn't see the car and crossing the road i
saw it and i got nerved and go fast to help the boy
unfortunately the car hit me before that i through the boy
safely . Next day we both r in admitted in hospital after
one month only i came back to my normal level..

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 9 No

Complete this sentence in 100 words........... i am going down on the street and suddenly........

Answer / 29051987

i heard a loud voice for help. At that time there was
nobody except me on that road. When i turned my eyes to
that ( Sounded ) sight, i was shocked to see that the road
canal door was left opened and an old man has fallen into
it. He was crying for a rescue. I feel ashamed of my
government and i doesn't know what to do at that second.
Slowly i went near to the canal and saw him. His face was
full of dirty and i am unable to catch his face exactly.
All of a sudden i saw a small ladder on the road side kept
for white washing the house. I lifted it and inserted it
onto the canal and asked him to come away using that. Thus
he was rescued. But all of a sudden he starte scolding the
concern person very badly and he not even thanked me for
this!!.. See how is our govnt. and our people.

Note :- This is a true story that happened in chennai, on
the street next to my home.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 3 No

Complete this sentence in 100 words........... i am going down on the street and suddenly........

Answer / a muslim brother

a big blast was heard ! My heart stopped beating for a
moment and I even felt it jumped to my throat and returned
to its original position. I turn around and some distance
away it was full of smoke and crowd were starting to gather
at that place like bees come around the honey comb. I
started getting closer to the place of blast and on my was I
was totally shocked... to see pieces of arm, head and legs
lying round and across that place. Those body parts seemed
to be like they were of young children. I figured out that
this must be the cruel plan of some terrorists or someone
like that. When I reached the place, I heard the commotion
going on and some crying voices, probably the relatives of
the deceased. I inquired with a person who seemed to be a
tenant residing at a flat near the place of incident. He
narrated the whole thing and I was really surprised on
hearing it. He said there were these two kids who tried to
make some new exciting cracker out of their remaining diwali
crackers. That ended as the last day of their experiment.
From that day onwards I hated whenever I hear the sound of
crackers, if there is any way for a celebration of a
festival, it must be either by showing devotion to God or by
sharing joy and pleasure with friends and relatives. Or if
we are really happy about the occasion then we should invite
some poor and offer them food, cause they can share our
pleasure, and when the poor gets pleased, so will the GOD
and GOD will never be happy on hearing loud bursts or air
pollution by smokes, etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 5 No

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