I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular
database? How can i know the list of tables presented each
database?( in oracle 10g)

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I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular database? How can i know the list of table..

Answer / neeraj sinha

suppose you have two databases: db1 and db2
you have to select one of them
sql>use db1;
then use
sql>select * from tab;
it will show you the listing required.!

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I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular database? How can i know the list of table..

Answer / amit

Suppose your 2 databases are name as PROD1 and PROD2
1) How can create a table in particular database?
=> First you have to connect to the database where you want
to create table with given login and password.
and then if you have create permission than you can use
following sql
CREATE TABLE "table_name"
("column 1" "data_type_for_column_1",
"column 2" "data_type_for_column_2",
... )

2) select * from tab; will show you how many tables,view or
synonyms are there in your schema.

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I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular database? How can i know the list of table..

Answer / meher

If you want to list the tables presented in each database
use the below query:

this will display all the tables of particulara db.

If you use SELECT * FROM TAB; --> this will display all the
tables,views or synonyms of particulara db.

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I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular database? How can i know the list of table..

Answer / vishnu

you can also use the database links to get the data from
other database tables. syntax is table_name@db_link.

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I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular database? How can i know the list of table..

Answer / priya

login to one database like
sqlplus username@databasename/password

After enter into sql
create table databasename.tablename
and to call select * from databasename.tablename

then to connect to other user

connect dbuser/pwd (not sure of this statement .. It should
be something like this please google it otherwise)

and to list the tables particular to database:
select * from tab; fetch the result from that particular
database which is connected

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