suppose we use switch statement and we intilize years name
using enum statement like(jan,feb,mar,------dec) we take
integer value as an input .question is that the month which
we analyz is from 0 to 11 bt if i enter 12 than how he
again starts from begning and print jan

suppose we use switch statement and we intilize years name using enum statement like(jan,feb,mar,-..

Answer / vignesh1988i

enum is a special datatype , whatever we have intilized under enum only we can able to use in our program , hope so ur program contains only enum datatype from that u are giving value for each month through switch case......

so here wat i think is that after u give 11, ie 12th month since u are starting from 0 , if u give 12 inside enum , only 12 entries are there and already u have made use of it.... so again it will start from january only.......

thank u

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