Annie, Bunnie, Candy and Dina visited Edy on 14th February.

1. The time of each visit was as follows:

- Annie at 8:00

- Bunnie at 9:00

- Candy at 10:00

- Dina at 11:00

Each time mentioned above may be either AM or PM.

2. Candy did not visit Edy between Bunnie and Dina.

3. At least one female visited Edy between Annie and Bunnie.

4. Annie did not visit Edy before both Candy and Dina.

Can you tell at what time did they individually visit Edy?

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Annie, Bunnie, Candy and Dina visited Edy on 14th February. 1. The time of each visit was as fol..

Answer / deniro

Mr Guest>>i've a question

What about the Fourth Point>>
>>>4. Annie did not visit Edy before both Candy and Dina.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Annie, Bunnie, Candy and Dina visited Edy on 14th February. 1. The time of each visit was as fol..

Answer / demo

Its B-->D-->C-->A OR B-->D-->A-->C

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Annie, Bunnie, Candy and Dina visited Edy on 14th February. 1. The time of each visit was as fol..

Answer / guest

Bunnie (9:00AM) - Dina (11:00AM) - Annie (8:00PM) - Candy

From the given data, it is clear that at least one female
visited Edy in the morning and at least one female visited
Edy in the evening. Also, from (4), Annie did not visit Edy
first. It means that Annie visited Edy at 8:00 PM

From (3), Bunnie must have visited Edy at 9:00 AM. Also,
either Candy or Dina or both visited Edy in the morning.

But from (2), only Dina must have visited Edy in the morning
at 11:00 AM and hence, Candy visited Edy at 10:00 PM.

The order of visits must be:

Bunnie (9:00AM) - Dina (11:00AM) - Annie (8:00PM) - Candy

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

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