Replace the letters with the correct numbers.





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Replace the letters with the correct numbers. T W O X T W O --------- T H R E..

Answer / guest

T=1, W=3, O=8, H=9, R=2, E=4

1 3 8

x 1 3 8


1 9 0 4 4

You can reduce the number of trials. T must be 1 as there is
multiplication of T with T in hundred's position. Also, O
can not be 0 or 1. Now, you have to find three digit number
whose square satisfies above conditions and square of that
has same last two digits. Hence, it must be between 102 and 139.

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Replace the letters with the correct numbers. T W O X T W O --------- T H R E..

Answer / gm


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Replace the letters with the correct numbers. T W O X T W O --------- T H R E..

Answer / raju

T = 1
W = 1
O = 2
H = 2
R = 5
E = 4

X 112

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