what are the good books,sites to prprare for scjp?
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Sun Certificatio details.
What is the features of Solaris and Advantage of solaris?
hi all i have done core java and advanced java But still not have proficiency in devolping web application so thinking for certification course anyone tell me from where i get best training for certification in SCJP and advanced java.
hi friends im interested to get a sun certification by online for c++ and .net....is there any possiblities to get by online.... plz suggest ...
What is the differences between Solaris 9.0 and Solaris 10
Any one who wants SCJP certifivation voucher can have from me. my voucher validity is july 31st 2010 and i bought it at a cost of 4300, now the present cost of voucher is more than the amount what i mentioned here if any one is interested, they can contact me for further details.
How are job oppurtunities for For Solries( Freshers)?
what is the full form of "COURAGE."
Do any of you have SCJP 6.0 certification voucher valid till Aug 2010?
Why Volatile? How Compiler come to know about external event changeed d variable or through program instruction it is changed? for volatile variable?
sun server is slow
What is the command to find the hidden files