I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few
questions that were asked during my interview.

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I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / uma m

Dear All,

I have attended PO interview on 14th September at Hyderabad.
I am from IT background so they didn't ask me any specific
questions about banking.

Here are the few questions:

1) Describe your personality
2) Why are you moving from IT to banking
3) Can you adjust yourself with rural work environment?
4) Are you ready to relocate to any part of India?
5) what does VIRUS mean?
6) Who is Barack Obama?
7) Who are the Indians who won Oscar awards?
8) Tell about your family background?
9) Tell about your role and responsibilities and area of
specialization in your current organization?
10) Your hobbies?

Basically Interview panel is checking your confidence level
, they are not particular on answers but they are
concentrating on the way you frame your answer.

Here are few tips from my experience:

1) Make sure that you carry all documents as specified
2) Present at the venue atleast 30 mins before
3) Dont be tensed as IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD
4) Greet the panel members with a good smile
5) Maintain eye contact with every person in the panel

Most important thing is be yourself and be cool .

Interview panel are very friendly , they ask the next
question on basis of your prior answer, so whole interview
is in your hands.

Good luck everyone!!


Is This Answer Correct ?    37 Yes 1 No

I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / reethu

1. What do you know about RBI
2. What is cross sailing?
3. more on GK like who is president, who is election
4. What do mean by leader ship
5. expand hitec city?
there were 4 members in the interview panel and duration was
for 15 to 20 min.

All the best to all of you.

Is This Answer Correct ?    33 Yes 1 No

I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / mahesh

thank u somuch for sharing ur interview experience with us..
with thanks ,

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / priyadarsini07

thank u ppl....thanks for ur sharings

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I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / priya

hello i have attended interview on 19th sep..i m MCA.but
asked nothing frm computers.they r asking abt current
affairs.they r onlly checking confidence.there were three
members in panel.the questions asked were:
tell about urself
ur job
ur family
what do u know about syndicate bank
do u wish to relocate
g.k questions:
nobel prize winners
what is IMF
types of currrencies.
and other questions they asked from questions were like:
what is crr
what is slr
what is rapo rate
what is inflation rate
about job
about companies like satyam,infosys
m.d of companies nd mnisters of india.like these questions
they asked

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / gaurav

Thanks Priya for sharing ur experience...
ALL d best ...

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / krishan

all i am krishan i attended the interview on 19th sep.
the interview panel is very simple and interview was very easy.
just they asked me family background?
what ur position?
what is TDS?
What is RBI activities?
what is reporate?
what is deposit?
and gk questions?
if u have any doubts,,,,just mail me..

ok all the best to all............

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / vicky

hi all,
i had attended the interview on 22 sep.
interview was easy... im b.e+ m.b.a
but they started my interview with my current preofile then
thru my answer they make next questions??
they also ask abt RBI, syndicate bank and reporate??
they are asking abt hobbies also.
not to worry it was a cool experience

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I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / darshan

Thanks for sharing ur experience..


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I have attended the interview on 15th Sep. Here are few questions that were asked during my intervi..

Answer / jeba

Hi All,

I attended Syndicate Bank interview on 16th September.The
panel is so cool.It is just personal interview duration is
7 to 10 mins.
Tell me about yourself
Project done in PG
places famous in ur native place
What is ur take home salary
Present working hours and days in current job

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

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