What is the difference between Product tester and Software
Tester?Is there any difference?

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What is the difference between Product tester and Software Tester?Is there any difference?..

Answer / sj

thats good ..
c a product not only related to hardware... it may b a
software let me give an example windows is a
product,antivirus is a product.the product means which
meant for people whi needs it.
when coming to the project it is related to a particular
firm/ client.let me say a bank. U will build a software for
a particular bank as per there requirement because there
are many things vary from bank to bank u know that isn't.
i think u got an idea..

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What is the difference between Product tester and Software Tester?Is there any difference?..

Answer / abdul sameer

Product:- It is company that develops and releases it. It
can be hardware, middleware, language, tool and etc.. Here
Business analyst gather requirement from market and analyze
them, then they start develop it and create the product. Now
once the product is created they sell this in market to
global clients ( not specific to one client). Product is not
a ever ending process we have different versions and
releases to it.

Project:- Here we look for a specific client for there own
requirement for which we start developing and then once done
we give them back to it.

Where as we have some minor changes in testing to that
product and project

In Project we would have UAT testing testing at client place
where as in Product we wouldn ;t have any UAT client testing
because we test ourself and then release to market. Once if
any client buys this then this product will have some
enhancements at such case this product becomes project to
that specific client and we have UAT testing also.

Rest of all testing techniques are the same for testers.

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What is the difference between Product tester and Software Tester?Is there any difference?..

Answer / sjnath

good question.
can you tell me what is the difference between the product
and the project..

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What is the difference between Product tester and Software Tester?Is there any difference?..

Answer / sheikbasheer

I do agree with abdul sameer details.

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What is the difference between Product tester and Software Tester?Is there any difference?..

Answer / rajesh

product tester is the one who knows how the application works.it means the entire flow of the application but software tester will know only his module in the application.

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What is the difference between Product tester and Software Tester?Is there any difference?..

Answer / aparna

Product tester will test the product which is developed and
released to the market, whoever requires they can buy and
use it.This is not related to one particular client.

Coming to Software tester, these people tests the software
which is developed according to the requirement of client r
the end user

Please correct if I am wrong..

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What is the difference between Product tester and Software Tester?Is there any difference?..

Answer / skrao

s ur correct aparna.
If u have any quires contact skrao22@gmail.com

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What is the difference between Product tester and Software Tester?Is there any difference?..

Answer / v

I think Product is the any hardware product. and Project is
developed by using languages like, Java, .Net etc.
Correct me if I m wrong.

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