1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table?
2.please give me the difference between Cluster Index and
non-Clustered Index
3.can we use query like this "Select * from Table1,Table2;"

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1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Clus..

Answer / debi

1.no we can't set more than one primary key for a table
3. yes we can write a query like select 8 from table1,table2
this is generally used in case of cartesian product

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 0 No

1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Clus..

Answer / koushik roy

1. A table can only have one primary key.
2. Answer #1 is right. To add it, primary key is clustered
index and when we index a column (non-primary key) it is
non-clustered index.
3. Yes this will act almost as OUTER join

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Clus..

Answer / anilreddy

1)No,but in single primary key we can select upto 16 columns
2)Clustered index can be only one,Nonclustered indexes can be 249
3)Yes,we can write cross join will be applied

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Clus..

Answer / ramya

1)No We can't have more than 1 primary key. Even if you try
to save it will pop an error message and nothing will be stored.
2)Clustered Index is attached with Unique. A table can have
1 and only 1 Clustered Index and it will be mostly created
on the Primary Key of the Table.
Non Clustered can be up to 254(not sure about the
number)created for a single table.
3)You can definitely select from 2 tables but all the
columns will be merged. Please check how you want the data
from those 2 tables

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Clus..

Answer / madhusudan bowenpalli

1. No.

2.when create primary key on a table clustered index
automatically created.1 clustered index is possible for a
when we create a unique key on table Non clustered index
automatically created. 253 non clustered indexes are
possible for a table.

3. yes (its not recommended)

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Clus..

Answer / manub22

1.There cannot be more than 1 Primary Keys for a given table?

2.Difference between Cluster Index and non-Clustered Index, check this link: http://sqlwithmanoj.com/2011/03/02/clustered-vs-nonclustered-indexes-and-data-sorting/

3.Yes, we use query like this "Select * from Table1, Table2;". This will give a Cross Join (or cartesian-product) results from both the tables.

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1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Clus..

Answer / prasanna

1.We cant see more than one primary key for the table,
however we could create composite index using clustered
index in a table.
2.Clustered index - Order the data in the physical order.
Non clustered index does not order the data
3.We can select both the table using that script which u

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Clus..

Answer / kishore

1.No.In a table only one primary key.we have to use the
behavior of primary key i.e in a colon to set unique key and
not null.
2.Cluster index is the leaf node directly consist a values.
and non cluster index is the leaf node consists address of
value at same task or heap.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 8 No

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