Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?

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Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / m.k.atal & archana choudhary

Silicon and carbon both are the members of 14th group. But
Silicon tetrachloride reacts with water while carbon
tetrachloride does not . this is due to the fact that the
carbon does not have d - orbitals to accept lone pair of
electron from water while silicon has vacant d - orbitals
to accept lone pair of electron from water.

Is This Answer Correct ?    439 Yes 42 No

Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / prince

This is due to
inability of carbon
to expand its
carbon cannot
accept the lone
pair electrons
released by ligands
i.e H2O.

Is This Answer Correct ?    94 Yes 28 No

Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / syona neeraj

CCl4 not undergo hydrolysis because, it has all bonds that are non polar & covalent. Also, due to absence of a vacant d- orbital in the central element, no

polarity is induced in the compound.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 15 No

Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / ajay swargiary

Si halides have vacant d-orbitals and can extend their co-ordination number beyond four. So it can undergo hydrolysis.
Sicl4 +H20 - -》 4HCl + SiCl4
Whereas Carbon halides are saturated compounds . Since carbon atoms has no d-orbital , it cannot increase its co-ordination number.
Hence carbon halides (CCl4) are not hydrolysed with water.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 6 No

Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / raf

There are two main evidences...
First and foremost is that Si is post transition metal. SO, Si has empty d orbital. So, it can react with H2O. Secondly, CCl4 has zero dipole moment where as SiCl4 has not.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 4 No

Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / eshwari

Carbon doesn't contain d orbital in its valence shell to accept lone pair electrons
Whereas silicone element which belongs same group has d orbital to accept lone pair electrons
So sicl4 can dissolve in H2O than CCl4

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Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / tissue

Si-C bond is weaker than C-Cl bond, hence it react with water and not CCl4.
That is an easiest explanation.
Reason behind the above is because Si has greater atomic radius than C

Also, carbon does not have low-lying empty d-orbital to get the electrons from water.
Another explanation.

The four chlorine atoms shield the small carbon atom from the water molecule, serving as a steric hindrance while silicon do not get shielded by chlorine.
Next possible explanation.

Sufficient reasons to show why does SiCl4 not only react with water, but violently too

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 30 No

Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / paul

I've learnt two reasons for this. One, as many have stated, that C does not have low enough energy orbitals for water to act as a lewis acid. but then, this doesn't quite explain why the SN2 reaction happens in organic compounds.

The other explanation is that the Cl atoms are bulky and provide steric hindrance for the water molecules to reach the carbon atom, whereas the Si atom being bigger, the Cl atoms do not pose as great an impediment.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 13 No

Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / mudassar rehman

As sicl hydrolysed more readily than ccl but bond of sicl is stronger please explain me this fact

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Explain why SiCl4 reacts with H2O but CCl4 does not?..

Answer / mr. khamis

Because the CCL4 have not mor ability to expand its valence
shel since it lack the extra d orbital wile the SiCl4 do
because of precence of lone pair in SiCl4.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 21 No

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