Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate
Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recruitment Interview 2009.

I am unaware of the aforesaid interview's syllabus,
question type, last 5-10 years question patterns.

Please send me above mentioned details as soon as possible.
My email address is manas_be@yahoo.co.in.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / mamu

The expected interview questions may be like this

1.Abt urself
2.Family Back ground.
3.Ur current job profile.
4.Why u want to shift to banking.
5.Some general question abt ur state and city.
6.Current important events.
7.Some banking questions regarding Indian
ecconomy,RBI,SEBI,SENSEX, etc..

Best of luck to all short listed candidates for interview.


Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / natarajan s

Yes Mamu,
The conclusion "Some balls are bats" is correct for the
question "All bats are balls".

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / mamu

Manas in Syndicate bank site also they have not published
the short listed candidates name.
So how u got the news that u r selected. has the bank sent
u some call letter for interview personally or u got some
other links other then the bank web site?????????
Plz clarify it . Becoz we r also eagerly waiting for the
list for long long time.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / mamu

Hi all,

I think Natrajan is right and we should focus on our main
aim .i.e Clearing the Interview of Syndicate bank(Although
i m not short listed for interview, ha ha).

First of all i ll reply the queries by Vinu and Santosh.

Well VINU it's really very sad that people like u getting
79% in Graduation, and having Post Graduation, also
Computer certificates still not short listed. I think its
only becoz of the no of people appliedi.e. around 10-
15lakhs they r saying.Becoz of this i think cut off mark
might have been increased. And one of my friend who is
having 83% in Graduation(told by her, i m not sure whats
her %) also not short listed. so u can understand how much
compettion is there in the market. But one thing i ll
suggest u just try to clear any Bank PO written once, becoz
at that time ur changes of selesction ll be much more becoz
of ur excelent carreer and certificates. Orelse if u r an
BTech or MCA student then u can try in IT jobs, By early
March 2010
the whole Recession scenario ll be changed and ecconomy ll
again rise so again IT sector ll rise.(Well experts r
saying this, and as im an small investor in share market i
also used to keep all these info from news.)
Any way all the best to u.Han about ur money back claim i
dont think they ll refund it. thats gone May be around 20-
30 crores of rupees from 10-15 lakhs candidates, Syndicate
bank might have have got.Good bussiness na......

To Santosh i would like to say that it ll be surely be a
tough interview, the reasons are
(1) 11,000 people called for only 1200 posts so around 1:9
(2) As there was no written so it ll be very difficult for
them to choose becoz all these 11,000 people are the
brightest people in INDIA interms of Qualification, so who
is better who is not a bit of difficult task.

What ever i m saying may afraid some candidates, but u
people should think practically and prepare urself for any
tough interview. Just think as like this, u r lucky that
God has given u a change to appear the interview when
others having good % also not selected, so ur duty is now
to prepare well for the interview.
One suggeston i ll give u for the interview is that just be
Confident. I mean it if u ll be confident na it ll be very
difficult for u even if u give good answers. So what ever u
answer just be cool, calm, not so aggresive or so dull, be
relax and answer dil se. Never try to answer in such a way
that they ll ask some more questions from ur answer and
that answer u dont know,ok. These are my personal
experience in the IT field during last 2-3 yrs.

All the best to all and be a bank manager.



Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / prakaksh

Hey your Name is Mamu..

u r really mummy....

just check syndicate bank site , they kept shortlisted
candidates names .

don't give this type of comments with check properly.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No

Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / karan


Now also Manas Nandi fooling all the groups/forums (Just
Checkout the Syndicate Bank Shortlist PO 2009

Claiming that Shortlised & Interview at Syndicate Bank PO
Recruitment Interview 2009. how is it possible without
candidate name in the shortlist file. can anybody can
attend interview?

please don't play with the people i.e Groups/forum of this


Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / natarajan s

Hi Friends,
Please divert all your thoughts to the original topic
regaridng how to prepare for the interview.Please pin point
and find fault with others.Let us carry on our discussion
regarding the interview.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / mamu

Friends, i need answer of this simple reasoning which i had
posted earlier.
REASONING QUESTION Statement:All bats are balls.
Conclusion:Some balls are bats. The conclusion is true or


Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / natarajan s

Hi Mamu,
It has been two weeks since results were announced but
the call letter has not come yet.Don't know whether anybody
received so far.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear Syndicate Bank's Probationary Officer(PO)Recrui..

Answer / sam...

Hi all,

I am also selected for the Interview, but yet to receive the
call letter.. its already Aug 6. Have anyone yet received
the letter??


Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

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Have you got hall tickets of UBI Pos. There is some doubt regarding the english test. It is mentioned as only qualifying. But the qualifying marks percentage is not given. It is mentioned that bank will decide the pass marks. Added to that the the maximum marks is mentioned in the section as 50. It is added to the total marks of 225. As you know generally banks will not mention marks for the english objective test. I am in dilemma regarding for how many marks we have to answer the english test. Please just have a look into the booklet of UBI po exam.

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