1.What is difference between symget and & in sas?
2.what is difference between callsymput and %let?

1.What is difference between symget and & in sas? 2.what is difference between callsymput and %..

Answer / somnath

=> Symget is used to resolve macro variables in data step
and & is used to resolve macro variable in macro processing.
For example, if you have 10 macro variables name1-name10
which contains 10 names and you want to get a particular
name in a data step then you can use symget, not &.
data rank;

data name;
set rank;
name=symget('name' || left(put(i, 8.)));

=> The same concept applies for call symput.

The main idea is that the routines symget and symput are
executed at sas run-time where & and %let executes at macro
run time, much before that sas executes it.

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