Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the
files in a directory?
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Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / gun0m

"echo *" will list the files inside the dir

Is This Answer Correct ?    62 Yes 2 No

Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / dattatraya

echo *

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 3 No

Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / pankaj sain

"dir" also works in unix/linux.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 9 No

Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / yankee

I think the question was not clear to Anil or Dhina...What i
meant was that i don't want to use 'ls' to list the files...
Is there any other way to do so?

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 2 No

Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / nik

You can use find command with - type f. It will print all
the files in the current dir recursively.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 6 No

Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / chetan


echo *.* will list out all the files in a directory.

( all files are assumed to be having some extension)

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 7 No

Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / ravi

you can use the file command, eg file *. Actually file
command is used to display type of the file given as argument.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / ashish

echo * lists files and directories in pwd. no hidden files r displayed

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / pritish

echo * | tr " " "\n"
this will display all the files in the current directory

you can also use dir command.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Is there any command in Unix, other than:ls, to list the files in a directory? The answer will be..

Answer / kishore devkate

Hi Yankee,

There are so many commands to display the files in the
present working directory without using ls command, find
the below commands,

echo *
du -sk *

but we have to think logical how to view the file without
using ls.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

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