I am new to testing.where we will use SQL in manual testing.
To what extent i need to learn SQl.there are diff types of SQL
like TSql,Mysql etc.i little bit confused,help me.
Thank you .

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Hi, I am new to testing.where we will use SQL in manual testing. To what extent i need to learn SQ..

Answer / shanti

testers will use SQL to test the database.
give some input customer id,customer name,address and phone
number. useing sql queries we can check the data is stored
in the database or not.
testers no need more knowledge on sql learn some select
testers never get access to edit or insert in the database.
that is different team (database team)
knowing select statement is good

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Hi, I am new to testing.where we will use SQL in manual testing. To what extent i need to learn SQ..

Answer / amol

Sometimes results of some user actions can not be verified
on UI, we can use SQL to check this.
E.g. Consider a user delete schenario. On UI someone can
select a user to delete and on UI it can be verified if the
same user is not displayed on UI anymore.
But if there is some business logic NOT to delete the user
completly from system, but just mark it as unactive so that
it is not displayed in UI. This logic can not be verified in
UI. For such schenarios we can do a SELECT quesry on
database and check if the user is there with some flag like
deleted=true or active=false.

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Hi, I am new to testing.where we will use SQL in manual testing. To what extent i need to learn SQ..

Answer / amol

Database : is a concept to organized collection of data
(today typically in digital form).
Database system (DBMS): is software which are created to
implement the above. Today most of DBMS store data using
some relation between the data hence it is called Relational
There are lot of companies who has created this DBMS like
Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access,
PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite

SQL Structured Query Language) : Is programming language for
querying, altering and defining relational databases(RDBMS);
using declarative statements.
Though it is ANSI standard (meaning every DBMS should
support it and support in same way)
some of the syntax or features in SQL are not supported OR
supported in different way by each vendor/company.
Also some companies provide more features on top of SQL.
E.g. Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is Microsoft's and Sybase's
proprietary extension to SQL.

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Hi, I am new to testing.where we will use SQL in manual testing. To what extent i need to learn SQ..

Answer / guest

thank you,shanti

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