Find the value of x?

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sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x))))=2; Find the value of x?..

Answer / soundararajan krishnan

I think the actual question may be like
Find the value of x?

When we solve this the value of x is 2.

Let A = sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+...)))) ------(1)
We can write this as,

A = sqrt (x+A) ------(2) using formula (1)

Since A = sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+...)))) = 2,

we can write the equation (2) as,

2 = sqrt(x+2)

square this equation,

4 = x+2

Then x = 2.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 4 No

sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x))))=2; Find the value of x?..

Answer / karthik

the value of x=4;
start from the innermost sqrt
2.sqrt(4+2)=sqrt(6)=2// since ans is (2 root 3)it will
consider only 2 and left root 3

in the last root (sqrt(4+2))= ans is 2 root(3) just elimnate

thus the remaining ans is 2

there fore X=4////

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 13 No

sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x))))=2; Find the value of x?..

Answer / chandan

Here x will be 2.028530
only then the exact value of
the given expression will be 2.
Because if we pass int value &
it will handle like float value
otherwise its o/p will be 0.So
here we have to use %f in the
printf statement to get actual
value of given expression.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x))))=2; Find the value of x?..

Answer / rukmanee

the value of x=1

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 7 No

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