What is the output of below code?
static in a=5;

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What is the output of below code? main() { static in a=5; printf("%3d",a--); if(a) m..

Answer / srinivas reddy m v


here main() is called again in main function
this leads to recursion....

the function is called until a become 0.
value is retained as static key word is used.

not much clear about usage of "%3d"

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What is the output of below code? main() { static in a=5; printf("%3d",a--); if(a) m..

Answer / amol subhash kumbhar

Output is:- 5 4 3 2 1 (This Manner)
In main()
Static is the Preserves Keyword Used to Statically allocate
the memory allocation
%3d means the 3 space are allocate in the output like as 5
4 3 2 1
main() :- main function called in main function means
recursion is applied

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What is the output of below code? main() { static in a=5; printf("%3d",a--); if(a) m..

Answer / pratik panchal

output:5 4 3 2 1

static int store the value of variable for once and
periodically changes its value as the variable value changes
and a-- is done so the assigned value on the next line will
automatically overwrite the value of a.

%3d means print 5 then 2 spaces and 4 and so on..,.main is
called until if statement gets false..if(5) is a true

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What is the output of below code? main() { static in a=5; printf("%3d",a--); if(a) m..

Answer / moloy mondal

the output will be infinite no. of 5s ..bcoz integer a is
static its value wont b changed ever..

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