what are advantages & disadvantages of science?

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what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / gouri

* You get to know more about the world around you.
* More species would be discovered.
* More scientists on the planet Earth.
* More subjects for you to study in school.
* More technology for our convenience.

* Scientists die in labs because of accidents.
* Too many species to keep track of.
* Animals disturbed from habitats.
* Plant species taken from environment.
* Rare species threatened.
- disturbs balance in nature
-global warming
science is a good master but a bad servant
Science is the research and interpretation of occurence in
the universe.The term science an be thought of as an
experimental procedure.

1. It serves as a source of amusement.
2. It gives us global information.
3. It makes our lives easy and luxorious.
4. It helps in the preparation of Drugs and medicines.
5. It also helps Police to investigate several cases.

1.It pollutes the environment.
2.It is one of the cause of overpopulation.
3.The trees r cut bcoz of various scientific purposes.
4.It makes us lazy
5.It creates terror as it helps in preparation of dreadful

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 9 No

what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / mariya

There are many GOOD &BAD effects 4 science.science
ia a good master to us every time
1.global warming
3.distubes blance of nature
1.life easy
2.more informations
3.helping to make
many things

Is This Answer Correct ?    32 Yes 14 No

what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / gulahmed

Science is the research and interpretation of occurence in
the universe.The term science an be thought of as an
experimental procedure.

1. It serves as a source of amusement.
2. It gives us global information.
3. It makes our lives easy and luxorious.
4. It helps in the preparation of Drugs and medicines.
5. It also helps Police to investigate several cases.

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 9 No

what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / samikshya sarangi


science is a great blessing to mankind . nothing better has happened in the history of man than advent of science in his life .the world into which science came was a world of ignorance ,suffering and hardship. science has come to relieve us of suffering ,to remove our ignorance and to lighten our toil..

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 8 No

what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / deepthi

we can discover many things
we can know the world inside and beyond us
it is very useful in medical field
if we misuse it many problems may occur
scientists die while reacting with chemicals
it makes us lazy

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 5 No

what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / muhammad naeem hussain

with the help of science we can go anywhere any time in the
world,we can protect our silf for any mishapes

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 15 No

what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / dhasarathan

science is a good servant but a bad master when it is out of

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 7 No

what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / akanksha singh

it makes the work easy like by computer we can do the
offcial work very easilybut it is very harmful also because
by this we can get heart anywhere and antime.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 5 No

what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / joshwa

science is a god of modern world

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what are advantages & disadvantages of science?..

Answer / ritik

- simplify work and processes (machines, robots)
- facilitate predictions, save lives (e.g. predicting volcanic eruptions) and create sense of predictability in the world (aid decision making process by weighing pros and cons)
- explain phenomenons, hence satisfying our curiousity
- seen as solution to problems created by humans, for instance, genetically modifying food, making it more resistant to worsening weather (created by us)
- connecting everyone globally (transport, communication devices)

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

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