what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write
test case on pen?

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what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / kumar

Priya, i think you are not correct.Sneha can get the
solution from my answer.

If testing is a waste course why do companies recruit
people for testing paying them lakhs of rupees as salaries
equal to developers..??

There is nothing wrong in choosing testing...............

Do you know the types of testers involved in a single

1. Functionality tester.
2. Database tester.
3. Load and stress tester.
4. Installation tester.
5. Security testing.....still so many people for testing...

How many types of developers are involved for a single

failure due to improper testing in the sofware program
written in 'C' Language.....

Test cases can be written on any object:

sample Test cases for PEN:

Broadly divide test cases to 3 categories:

1. UI test cases.

2. Functionality test cases.

3. Validation test cases.

now test cases for Pen:

UI test cases:
1. Check for the color of the pen as per the requirement
2.check for the shape and size of the pen.
3.check whether the total design is as per the requirement

Functionality test cases:
1. Check whether the pen is writing or not.

2. check for the color of the ink in the pen.

3. Check for the thickness of the letter's when writing
with the pen.

4.Check whether the refill is completely filled as per the

In this case we donot have validation test cases.

Let me know your queries regarding testing, i can solve
them as per my knowledge.


Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 0 No

what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / priyanka

hello priya. if u don know anything abt testing, don talk
abt it............

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 0 No

what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / chowdhary

hey priya what is this answer ?? if u can give any advice
possitvive only ?? what abt u know (testing) iam (iiit) guy
iam working now on testing in wipro

pls shut ur mouth don,t send stupid answers becareful
,,,bewares of testers

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 1 No

what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / hasini

hi priya ,what did u know abt testing ,don,t talk pls

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 0 No

what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / senthilkumar.p

Ye priya,

Are you Mad????
Dont post this type of answers.
Students--dont consider this type of messs..

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / senthilkumar.p

Dear Allinterview team,

Kindly delete stupid priya posted the answer.
It may help to some others(Energetic youngest good tester)

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / santoshnathan

Hai priya,

This site is viewing by so many people every day.They
are looking for knowledge.OK.This is knowledge base site.
If u have personal opinions keep it with u don't share this
type of stupid ideas to others.

You know how interesting the testing platform,if u want to
enjoy the testing platform.You should enter the world of

Developer requires only programming skills,But

Tester requires technical skills,domain knowledge,and
testing skills.

what ever it may be either tester or developer,every one
should do hard work,then only they can reach goal.

OK you said testing is waste,then what about developer.can
he do testing.definitely not,without tester what developer
do.Trend was changed completely

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / andy

I think Kumar has given excellent answer to this query.I
would like to add for validation test case.Sometimes even
when the ink is full in pen then also it doesnt work so we
can have validation test case on checking whether pen is
working or not even with full of ink.plz coorect me if im
wrong.Moreover i would like to tell priya that im a java
developer plannning to shift to testing side.I dont think
its a waste course.Everything has its importance provided u
utilize it properly.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / shabbir

please tell me detail about programming languages
used for software testing

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

what is testing? What is software testing? how can i write test case on pen?..

Answer / santoshnathan

hai guys,

Testing:It is the process of executing the programs with the
intension of finding bugs
It is the process of executing the testcase on the developed
application w.r.t of customer requriments.

Software testing(OR)System testing:It is the combination of
Functional and No-functional testing.If u want details,this
page is not enough to write.

come to testcase for pen
1.Check for dimension w.r.t of requirements
2.Check the color of pen
3.Check whether the refill is compatible with pen in length
4.Check ink in the refill whether if full or empty
5.Check the pen by writing with full of refill,(because
there is chance of ink clotting,if ink is clotted in refill
it seems like full of refill)
5.Check the pen by writing whether color of text is blue or
black or red w.r.t requirements
6.Check for the cap,Check color of cap and pen are equal
7.Check the pen whether pen is compatible with the cap w.r.t
of closing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

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