i)What is the command to lock a file in a program
ii)2. Can you get a level check error in a CL program

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i)What is the command to lock a file in a program ii)2. Can you get a level check error in a CL pro..

Answer / vaibhav gupta

For 2) If a file is declared in Cl pgm we can get a level
check error in the CL pgm.

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i)What is the command to lock a file in a program ii)2. Can you get a level check error in a CL pro..

Answer / naveen chandra joshi

The questions asked are:
i)What is the command to lock a file in a program?

ii)Can you get a level check error in a CL program?


2) Yes,if the file is declared in CL program then we can get Level Check error in case of record level identifier mismatched. I have tried this in the system and then only posting over here.

Naveen Chandra Joshi.

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i)What is the command to lock a file in a program ii)2. Can you get a level check error in a CL pro..

Answer / avinash

2) No,not in CLP

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i)What is the command to lock a file in a program ii)2. Can you get a level check error in a CL pro..

Answer / saravan

1) We can lock by using ALCOBJ command. To know about
object locks, use WRKOBJLCK file_name.
2) As every thing (File name, variable) will be taken as
parameter and path will be created each time in CL, we
won't get any level check error.
In RPG/LE, the level Id will be mapped to the program and
so we will get level check error.

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i)What is the command to lock a file in a program ii)2. Can you get a level check error in a CL pro..

Answer / ss

in CL , level check is not handle

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i)What is the command to lock a file in a program ii)2. Can you get a level check error in a CL pro..

Answer / rakesh

1.wenever u use a keyword USROPN in rpg pgm ,ten u r locking
tat file......
2. we wont get level check errors in clle..

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 8 No

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