Can test case contains more than 50 steps in single test

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Can test case contains more than 50 steps in single test case?..

Answer / sameena

That will show a poor tester.
U'r test case should be crisp and short.

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Can test case contains more than 50 steps in single test case?..

Answer / hema

it doesn't matter abt the no of test steps,its important
that the testcases should be understandable by the client.
all the steps should be necessary.unnecessary steps should
be avoided.

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Can test case contains more than 50 steps in single test case?..

Answer / hemaiyer

A good test engineer always provide a high quality
software for a single test cases 50 steps are written
provided their should not be repeated test steps in the
test cases

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Can test case contains more than 50 steps in single test case?..

Answer / sathish

It can be more than 50 Steps, but the developer who fixes the bug will not be interested in reading all blah-blah stories. instead you can break the case into small modules ( functionality ,UI ,validation ..etc) or functionality itself into easy phases to make it easy readable form.

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