What is the command for " how many shell is running in your
system or how many shell supported by your system " ?.

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What is the command for " how many shell is running in your system or how many shell supporte..

Answer / sandeep jaiswal

how many shell supported by your system

check the file /etc/shells

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What is the command for " how many shell is running in your system or how many shell supporte..

Answer / joker

> ps -a |grep -E 'sh$' |wc -l

-a is for to list process of all users
-E extended grep to filter the shells (since they end with sh like bash, tcsh, ksh, sh
-$ to match only at the end of the line where the process is printed

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What is the command for " how many shell is running in your system or how many shell supporte..

Answer / nayakss

ps| grep -E "*shh*" | wc -l

This gives the no of shell currently running.
Though this answer is correct but I don't think this is the
right approach.

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