Hi,please help me out with my ques:in project each tester
how many testing will do?i mean what extent?

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Hi,please help me out with my ques:in project each tester how many testing will do?i mean what ext..

Answer / shalvin

I believe that the question is not pin-pointed. I am
assuming that the question is, to what extent should we test
an, or when to stop testing an app.

Answer is simple, depends upon the project risk and
management concerns.

We need to define exit criteria for all tests depending upon
the severity and priority; and once we achieve testing in a
countable format which meets the exit criteria of all
scenarios, we can stop testing.

Few criteria are :

When bug rate falls to certain level
Testcases completed with certain percentage passed
Depending on Test Budget
All the high priority bugs are fixed.
The risk in the project is under acceptable limit.

In an interview, this question is not asked with an
intention to measure your theoretical knowledge, but is to
measure your experience or understanding of testing. So
instead of giving a pre-defined answer, frame the reply in
such a way that they should feel you know what they mean.

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Hi,please help me out with my ques:in project each tester how many testing will do?i mean what ext..

Answer / naveen

Test lead will assign how much to test and testing all
depends on test cases.first test cases are written ,
depending on sevirity and time testing will b done, ie first
all crtical is tested and major and minor...

hope i answered

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