Differentiate between severity and priority? who assign
these parameters to a bug?

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Differentiate between severity and priority? who assign these parameters to a bug?..

Answer / rumana farheen

Severity:the seriousness of the defect in terms of the
functionality is known as Severity.
Critical:not able to continue testing without resolving the
Ex:application crash, database corruption
Major:able to continue but mandatory to resolve
Minor:able to continue testing but may or may not resolve

Priority:the importance of the defect in terms of customer
is known as Priority.

depending on the severity of the defect the priority is

Either high, medium or low.

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Differentiate between severity and priority? who assign these parameters to a bug?..

Answer / nag

Severity:-Seriousness of the defect,Bcoz of this defect how
much impact on the application

Priority:-importance of the defect,Bocz of the defect
whether any business loss
based on priority level defect will be fixed

EX:-Assume one online bank application was developed all
functionalitys working correctly but Bang name was written
wrongly(intead of icici they written hdfc)

here bcoz of wrong name system not getting any effect but
whole business will get effect, customer will be confused
so here, severity is low priority is high

so it must fix as possible as early

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Differentiate between severity and priority? who assign these parameters to a bug?..

Answer / nuve1284

Severity: how much the
bug/defect is going to impact the application.

Priority:Depending upon the servity the priority will be
assigned and its helps the developer like how soon a
particular defect has to be fixed.

The following are the types of Severity
Show stopper

The following are the types of Priority

Generally the tester assigns the severity and developer
assigns the priority and it depends on the client u are
wiorkig and their practise in QC.
For more info about manual and automation testing

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Differentiate between severity and priority? who assign these parameters to a bug?..

Answer / babitha.b

Severity:rates the bug as either it belongs to major,minor
or trivial.
Priority:rates comes under high,medium low.
ex: part severity priority
a major medium
b minor high
c trivial low
always we have to work on bugs based on priority wise only.
because of priority only we can clear other major issues
since one of minor issues may affect the working of other
major parts.and also the client may analyse the issue and
change the requirement.some times even the severity is low
if the priority is high we have to work on that coz it
might be waiting for delivery.
here we need to concentrate on part b in the given ex.

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Differentiate between severity and priority? who assign these parameters to a bug?..

Answer / s33.aditya

Severity:It is the criticality of the bug. i.e how much the
bug is going to impact the application.

Priority:Depending upon the servity the priority will be

The following are the types of Severity
Show stopper

The following are the types of Priority

The one who finds the bug will assign these, some time the
senior person(Lead) will assign

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Differentiate between severity and priority? who assign these parameters to a bug?..

Answer / rumana farheen

Priority:the importance of defect fixing in terms of
customer is known as Priority.
High: for critical defects
Moderate: for major defects
Low: for minor defects

Thank you

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