What is the difference between windows environment and Unix
environment ?

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What is the difference between windows environment and Unix environment ?..

Answer / nirmalraj

Windows OS : Message Oriented (GUI Supported), Preemptive,
multitasking operating system from Microsoft announced in
1983 released in 1985.

Unix: State oriented, Preemptive "Multiuser" and
"Multitasking " OS from Berkeley

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What is the difference between windows environment and Unix environment ?..

Answer / anuradha bhagavathula

windows: windows is a GUI based operting system.
"multi tasking".

unix : unix is command based operating system.
"multi tasking " and "multi user".
more secured.

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What is the difference between windows environment and Unix environment ?..

Answer / indhumathi

Windows Environment:
Windows environment is a GUI(Graphical User Interface mode)
based where you can perform the operation by clicking on
the options in the menus, clicking on the icons available
in the environment. A lay man can perform the operations in

Unix Environment:
Unix environment is a Command based mode. Here for every
action you need to type the command. So, you need to know
the commands to work on it.

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What is the difference between windows environment and Unix environment ?..

Answer / devil

Windows :: In windows there is single Virtual memory, And
all the process runs under that memory.

Unix :: In Unix every processe have it's own memory to run
under that.

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What is the difference between windows environment and Unix environment ?..

Answer / basheer

The above answers are appropriate. In Addition we can say

Windows is a menu driven interface. [GUI] where as

Unix is a command driven interface. or [CLI]

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What is the difference between windows environment and Unix environment ?..

Answer / guest

windows gui environment but unix not gui environment

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What is the difference between windows environment and Unix environment ?..

Answer / hari

widows is the gde
unix is command promt

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What is the difference between windows environment and Unix environment ?..

Answer / puspaketu

WINDOWS operating system is a GUI based operating
system.Everything we can do by means of clicking on the
ICONS.Apart from all these it a multi tasking os

UNIX operating system is command based os where commands
along with their different options are used to perform
different jobs.Its a multi user,multitasking and multilayer
operating system...

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