If set accepts only one argument then how can it compare
two objects to avoid duplicates

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If set accepts only one argument then how can it compare two objects to avoid duplicates..

Answer / ashutosh

for comparison between two objects of the same class, class
must override equals() and hashcode() methods of the object

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If set accepts only one argument then how can it compare two objects to avoid duplicates..

Answer / r.jainrocks@gmail.com

Set compares hash code of new instance which
has to include in set with already containing values in Set.

because of this comparing b/w instances adding in set is slow
in Set and retrieval is fast.

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If set accepts only one argument then how can it compare two objects to avoid duplicates..

Answer / suresh

if the adding element is the first element, then the
element will be added directly to set stream. If there are
elements is Set the first.
1. while adding the new element to set hashcode will be
generated to element by using hashCode() method.
2.Then generated hash code will be compare with each and
every element of the Set by using equels() method. if
equels method retunrs false then the element will be added
to Set else the element will be discarded.

So, in order to avoid the duplicats we have to override
both equels and hash code methods.

If above given info is wrong, plse let me know at

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If set accepts only one argument then how can it compare two objects to avoid duplicates..

Answer / manju kt

using "this" keyword

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If set accepts only one argument then how can it compare two objects to avoid duplicates..

Answer / maankutti

need to overload < operator

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