What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / amit

smoke testing: It is performed by developers before
releasing the application to testing team.In this they
verify basic functionality of an application

sanity testing: After receiving the application test
engineer VALIDATES basic functionality of an application
with help of checked list to estimate stability.

Ex: For login screen
Smoke testing is only test whether the user is able to
login or not .
And Sanity testing is to test text field lenght,datatype of
text,which page it takes

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / varshab

Smoke Testing : Smoke testing is initial testing after
receiving any build.It is performed to determine application
launches,interfaces are available & responsive.If smoke
testing fails we can not go for further testing.

Sanity Testing : Sanity testing is basic functionality check
of application.After performing sanity testing we can
consider application for through testing.

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / ashish

Smoke Testing: In smoke testing we just check the major
functionality of an application.

Sanity Testing: Here we check that our application is stable
or not.means our application is in "sane" or not.

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / umesh

I need the diff between sanity and smoke, not the defnition
of smoke testing. Anyway thanks for posting answers

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / sonal.pagare

Smoke Test:

When a build is received, a smoke test is run to ascertain
if the build is stable and it can be considered for further
Smoke testing can be done for testing the stability of any
interim build.
Smoke testing can be executed for platform qualification tests.

Sanity testing:

Once a new build is obtained with minor revisions, instead
of doing a through regression, sanity is performed so as to
ascertain the build has indeed rectified the issues and no
further issue has been introduced by the fixes. It’s
generally a subset of regression testing and a group of test
cases are executed that are related with the changes made to
the app.

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / nataraja.cv

smoke test :testing the major functionality when ever a
build or setup or moved to testing env .so that by means of
which u will be knowing further testing is possibale or not.

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / padma.v

Sanity testing:
In which one will conduct the overall testing on the released build , Inorder to check whether it is roper for further detailed testing or not.

Smoke testing:
After the build is developed, before releasing that to the testing dept, the development team will check the overall properness of the build(i.e the major functionality of the application)

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / nasruddin shaik

Smoke Test: To verify whether the build is stable for rigorous testing.
Sanity Test: To verify major functionality when the code has changed.
Some say Sanity and smoke both are same. Some say different.
It depends on organisation to organisation and project to project.

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / ravinder mehra

Smoke testing- This term came from Electronic Industry
where if ther is a shor circuit then is should produce the
Sanity testing- This is the min no of test case that needs
to be executed before moving to the next level of testing.
Ex- If you are not able to login even after entering the
correct id/passwd that means the sanity test fails

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What is the difference between Smoke Test & Sanity Test?..

Answer / chethana

The difference is Smoke testing is conducted on new Built
where as snaity test is also conducted to test basic
functionality but on already failed smoke tests.

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