What is the difference between java and .Net?

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What is the difference between java and .Net?..

Answer / gopal reddy v

.Net is a framework for which you compile a program, e.g. you could write a C++ or C# program and compile it to a .Net executable. As long as your Windows or Linux machine has a .Net runtime you can execute your compiled program. In this sense, .Net is both language and platform independent. Java is in many ways similar to .Net except that there is a single programming language (Java). .Net seems to have a much brighter development future than Java both for desktop and Web development via ASP.Net and Silverlight.

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What is the difference between java and .Net?..

Answer / amruth rao patil

java is renouvedas "write once run anywhere"while .NET is "write once and debug every where"

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What is the difference between java and .Net?..

Answer / sathish chandra

.NET is better than JAVA when we comes to Fast Development process !!

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What is the difference between java and .Net?..

Answer / alicesmith009

I have discussed few points to clarify the discussion between them.

.Net is from Microsoft and Java is from Sun MicroSystems.
.Net is primarily for Windows. Java is more platform independent, it runs on several operating systems including Windows, Mac and Linux.
.Net is a runtime framework that supports multiple languages, Visual Basic and C# among them. Java is a language plus a run-time.
.Net has a more integrated development environment. Java is based on third-party tool and server providers.

Read more here: http://www.keenesystems.com/Expertise/ASPNetWebApplications.aspx

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What is the difference between java and .Net?..

Answer / reddy

what we simlpy say is .net is a framework, which consist of
languages(c++,c#,vb.net,j# etc) as well as technologies
(asp.net etc) with platform independent.where as java is
progamming language with technology it self. java is also
platform independent.

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What is the difference between java and .Net?..

Answer / kirankumar yb

1)java is a single language by multiple platforme but .net
is framework for differ language but shared by single platform.
2).net is a language independent &java is language dependent.
3)where .net is framework we can use different type of
language.where as java is a programing language.
4)java is support to opensource platform while ,.net as no
direct support for opensource platform.
5)java is not language independent .net is language dependent.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 13 No

What is the difference between java and .Net?..

Answer / kondal

as compared to java .net easily understood. java is support
to multiple operating systems but .net runs only on windows.

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What is the difference between java and .Net?..

Answer / srikanth

java is not a language independent but .net is a language

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 58 No

What is the difference between java and .Net?..

Answer / satish kumar b

the only main difference between java n .net is where .net
is language independencies and java language dependency

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 123 No

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