Recently i got rejected for B1 visa. can i reapply is there
any time gap to apply?

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Recently i got rejected for B1 visa. can i reapply is there any time gap to apply?..

Answer / arun

If refused first time u can reapply immedately there is no
time gap requirment.

Is This Answer Correct ?    120 Yes 10 No

Recently i got rejected for B1 visa. can i reapply is there any time gap to apply?..

Answer / mangesh

yes, you can reapply after 3 working days,from the date of

Is This Answer Correct ?    77 Yes 8 No

Recently i got rejected for B1 visa. can i reapply is there any time gap to apply?..

Answer / rahul

You can apply whenever you feel like, there is no such
specific timeline....

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 0 No

Recently i got rejected for B1 visa. can i reapply is there any time gap to apply?..

Answer / anjan .j

No, I dont think you can reapply till 6 months

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 25 No

Recently i got rejected for B1 visa. can i reapply is there any time gap to apply?..

Answer / satish

3 months

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 91 No

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