write a test case which covers the major functionality of
yahoo login

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write a test case which covers the major functionality of yahoo login..

Answer / art

i think u have to write pre-requisite such as yahoo
homepage is open or cursor is in login window.
1. then type yahoo id
after it cursor will set on password window
2. type ur password
3. click on "sign in"
if both r right ur login page should b open
else it gives msg"verify ur id or password"
if u have choose sign up option
it should open the sign up form and till u not fillup all
mandotary fields as per rule it should not submit ur form.
and after creating ur account login process is same.
but i am quitely doubted about sign up option guys give ur

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write a test case which covers the major functionality of yahoo login..

Answer / ganesh

I think as per the question to check for the major login
functionality, following scenarios are to be tested:
1) Enter UID & PWD and click on Login/Sign using mouse.
2) Enter UID & PWD and hit enter button on keyboard.
3) Enter only UID or PWD and login.
4) Do not enter any field and hit login.
5) Enter one field with wrong information and try to login.

Correct me for any modifications.

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write a test case which covers the major functionality of yahoo login..

Answer / neha

According to me it should be :-

Major functionality of yahoo login page is

1. Enter user ID and password if exists in database, login
2. Enter wrong user ID and correct password hit login, login
3. Enter correct user ID and Wrong password hit login, login
4. Enter both wrong feild hit login,login unsuccessful.
5. Enter nothing in both feild hit login, login unsuccessful.
6. Enter correct ID and other leave other field blank hit
enter, login unsuccessful.
7. Enter correct password and leave ID field blank press
enter, login unsuccessful.

also check the page to which it is redirecting when login
successful or unsuccessful.

**please correct this if something is wrong thnx :)

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write a test case which covers the major functionality of yahoo login..

Answer / sw

the major feature of yahoo login page is to enter ur uid n
psswd and enter in to the website...
1.explore the yahoo page..
2.when the page is opened,place the cursor on the user id
textbox,and input the id.
3.now place the cursor in the password txtbox.
4.give the input or type the password.
5.press sign in
6.u'll be taken to the corresponding page.
7.if u don't have a uid,psswd already created,then
8.press the sign up button and fill all the details in it.
9.now login and try for your own mail page.

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