write a buisness scenerio on yahoo login page.

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write a buisness scenerio on yahoo login page...

Answer / psrisusee

Scenario for Login Page,

If User Name or Password is invalid
then DENY
Else If user name and password matches
then ALLOW

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write a buisness scenerio on yahoo login page...

Answer / shifali

email id,password,ok button,cancel button,password in
encrypted form,forget the password,new user
register,company logo,try to copy paste encrypted password
in textbox,empty email id and pass word,gui testing

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write a buisness scenerio on yahoo login page...

Answer / rajnish jha

1) Verify the yahoo url on any browser.
2) the login page should be appears.
3) On login page,there should be contains two field one for
userid and second for password.
4) For user id- there should be one text field .
5) For password- there should be password field.
6) verify both txt and password field should be editable.
7) On this page one submit/login button should be appears.
8) both the field should be filled by the user otherwise deny.
9) user id and password should be correct otherwise deny.
10) both field are filled with correct userid and password
then it should be redirect to next page.

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write a buisness scenerio on yahoo login page...

Answer / ashish

Buisness scenerio :

1)verify the yahoo url on various browser
(chrome,safari,ie,firebox etc)
2)verify the home page it should contains uid,pwd text
boxes and login button.
3)verify both text boxes editable
4)verify login button enabled/active
5)verify forgott pwd link

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