What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre,
fault & mistake?

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What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / akshay rastogi

Error occurs when the Programmer write the wrong syntax or takes the variables in unauthorized manner in programming.

Defect occurs due to errors. Using wrong syntax if programmer finds deviation in the results then it is so called defect.

We can say that if error is detected by a software developers
then it is called defect .
If that error is acknowledged by software developers it is called bug.

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What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / richs

Fault- Occurs in a computer program
Error-When actual result is not the same as expected, it is an Error
Bug - The malfunctioning of software due to existance of fault is called Bug

Please refer to the website below for details

<a href="http://richasd.blogspot.in/2016/01/difference-between-defect-bug-error.html">What is the Difference between defect, bug, error, failure ?</a>

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What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / rfsf


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What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / dhanraj.n

Defect is something is not working according to the
requirement OR Deviation from requirement specification.

Bug is the informal name given to the defect.

Error is generally used by the developers
i.e compile time error and run time error.

Failures are caused by the defects.

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What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / varshab

Error/Mistake : It is human action that could result in
incorrect result.

Bug/Defect/fault : Flaws in component or system that may
cause system or component to fail to perform its specified

Failure:Deviation from specified result.

If user has used software incorrectly then that's error and
it ll result into bug and if this bug is occured during
execution of component then system will fail.then its
called as failure.

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What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / padma

bugs is an error found before the application goes in to
the production
error it is an undesirable deviation from requirements
defects : is an application after goes in to the production
fault: when everything is correct but no output that is
called the fault
failure:in correct output

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 4 No

What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / parves

Bug: It is also a error bt that can not hamper the total program.Its only can stop some properties of the program.And program become unusable a some functionality.
Error:In a easy word its a man made fault.That can stop the execution of whole program.
Failure: Its the affect of error.

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What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / rohan

failure:In ability of a system to perform the functionality
acc. to its requirement.

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What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / gumnam tester

1. Fault & Mistake: wrong coding done by Developers
2. Failure: When the result is not equal to actual result
then it is said to be Failure
3. Error: Faults and Mismatches in Coding during testing is
called Error
4. Defect: When Testengineer find that Errors called that
5. When Developers Accepted that Defects then it is called

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 21 No

What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?..

Answer / hema

dont think deep, a fault is a fault and default is a default

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 12 No

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