What is configuration Management
What is change management
What are Severity and priority levels
What is Data integrity and Data validity
What are the browsers available and explain their versions
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What are GUI Map files and explain their Contents
What is Data base check point and why we go for that
What is the difference between the Client server
application and a Web application
Does Winrunner Supports Web applications
What is process Management
What is an Error, Defect, Bug
What is Quality
Which version of Winrunner you are using
What is Build Verification and why we go for it
What is Defect density
What is Integration testing
What is Static testing and types of Static testing
What is Validation testing
what is Data driven testing and why we go for data driven
what is the definition of Testing
What is Sanitation Testing

What is configuration Management What is change management What are Severity and priority levels..

Answer / rama

What is an Error, Defect, Bug?
Error : it is comes under programming.
Defect: it is comes under testing. if the tester find out
any problem(defect)in the application it is called defect.
bug: it is also comes under testing.
when ever developer/programmer accepts the defect(to
rectify) which is raised by a tester, it is called as a bug.

"Every Bug is a defect but every Defect is not a bug"

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