What is red box testing and yellow box testing?

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What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / raja

Simply yellow box testing is checking against the warning
messages. The system properly throwing the warning messages
or not?

Is This Answer Correct ?    50 Yes 8 No

What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / diya

Red box testing is end user testing
while yellow box testing is warning or alert checking.

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 5 No

What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / rohit sehgal

Red Box Testing :
Testing takes place by the user or the Client is known as
red box testing.
Yellow Box Testing:
Testing in which we consider whether the messages or the
warning are sufficient enough to understand the user that
whether they execute the product correctly or not.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 5 No

What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / sj1234

Acceptance testing, often referred to as Red-Box testing

yellow box testing - I am nt aware of

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 14 No

What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / raja nbit on solutions pvt ltd

Red box testing - User / Client can apply any techniques to
accept the project. they will apply white box or grey box
or black box for accepting the project. So we are calling
the user acceptance testing as a redbox testing. also
networking , peripherals testing and protocal testing
called red box testing

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 9 No

What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / vasu

the client apply any technique to accept thee project is
alled redbox or uat
system prperly throwing the warnning message or not is
called yellow box

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / qx1789

Red Box Testing:
It is User Acceptance testing. It is nothing but a Protocol testing.Red box testing is for Error Message Testing
The name says that if the system is not accepted then it is a red box and useless.
Red box testing is end user testing. Also networking, peripherals testing and protocol testing called red box testing.
Yellow box Testing:
Yellow box testing is checking against the warning messages.It is also called Warning Messages Testing.
Yellow Box Testing includes the Acceptance Testing Techniques.
It is a message level testing. yellow box testing is the validation of alert messages.

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What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / bala

Red Box Testing :to check the Protocol is known as Red Box

Yellow Box Testing: It is a message level Testing.simply
yellow box testing is checking against the warning messages
weather the system properly throeing the warning messages
or not.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 4 No

What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / balu

Module or class testing, often referred to as White-Box testing,
Integration testing, often referred to as Grey-Box testing,
System testing, often referred to as Black-Box testing, and
Acceptance testing, often referred to as Red-Box testing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 9 No

What is red box testing and yellow box testing?..

Answer / revathy

simply we can say: Red box-to check d error msg properly r

Yellow box-to check d warning msg

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 11 No

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