What is your most memorial moments in your life plz any answer me

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What is your most memorial moments in your life plz any answer me..

Answer / nishant singh

My most memorable day was when i got my first pay check.
Becaue it was not only a moment of happiness of growing up
for me but for all people around me who loved me. I was
finally independent and able to hold on my own in this
world, proud moment for me and also for my folks who were
happy to see their years of protective nurturing of a
sapling into a healthy tree

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What is your most memorial moments in your life plz any answer me..

Answer / srikanth

my most memorable moment in my life was whem i saved a
persons life.
i was going to my college and on the way i found a person
in pool of blood,who met with an accident.immidiately i
went to the spot and made a call to the ambulance and they
were in time and i even went to the hospital and made sure
that everything was done perfectly. i called to the
concerned person's parents and they showered lot of love
towards me and thanked me and now we became family friends.

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What is your most memorial moments in your life plz any answer me..

Answer / azz

there have been so many memorable moments in my life, but there is only one moment that i can truly say is my most memorable moment. right after graduating i started looking for a job as recession was on top those days. i had a really bad time as there was no one to support me and to guide me. despite of not having any assistance, i struggle a lot and finnaly got a chance to appear for an interview. the interview lasted for about 45 min, at the EOD, i was told that i was selected. i broke down into tears..i felt like i've stood on my own feet as right from from college days i was determined to get a job right after completing graduation. i had a great thirst to prove myself.

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What is your most memorial moments in your life plz any answer me..

Answer / lolo

Your Answer
going to school enjoying every moment we have me n my friends!!! and also going out with my family and having fun doing picnics n camping

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What is your most memorial moments in your life plz any answer me..

Answer / aijaz khan

my most memorial moment is that when my girlfriend proposed
me on the last day of 1st year.i was going to home and on
the way my girlfriend met me and asked me "give me your
number please" i immediately gave her my number.she went to
home.then on next day she sent me some messages.she had sent
me a message like "I love you".i made her call and told her
whether that message really sent by her.she proposed me by
this kind of incident happens rarely that girls propose boys.

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What is your most memorial moments in your life plz any answer me..

Answer / manoj

was when i visited a place for trucking. i was stunned by the greenery there. the falls, the amazing experience itself. it was awesome and certainly the most memorable moment for me.

the one i would never forget

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What is your most memorial moments in your life plz any answer me..

Answer / santosh ghangale

one day shee meet me and now we are best friend first then
i prupose her one day but she said like me we are just
friend but i knows her nature . she dont understand my
feelings if i want to show them right way , then also
dont know what happen

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