A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7
All digits of the number are different and repetition is not
1. How many such numbers can be formed ?
2. How many such numbers are divisible by 4 ?

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A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / sumati

Answer 1:
At unit's place 7 possibilities r dere.
At ten's place 6,
At hundred's place 5,
At thousand's place 4.

Therefore, 7*6*5*4=840

Answer 2:
for any number to b divisible by 4, the last two digit must
b divisible by 4. Such 2 digit combinations possible are.....
At last two places, any one combination out of these 10 is
possible. For first two digits in the 4 digit number, the
possible combinations are 5*4=20
So there r 20*10=200 numbers divisible by 4.

Is This Answer Correct ?    71 Yes 7 No

A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / purvi


I see with 1..7 if last 2 digits are
12,16,24,32,36,52,56,64,72,76...then the no. is divisible by 4

means last 2 digits has possible 10 Combinations

So Answer=P(5,2)*10=20*10=200

its correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 4 No

A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / satyam4friends

the total numbers are formed are
the numbers that are divided by 4 are=

Is This Answer Correct ?    45 Yes 38 No

A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / hh

I see with 1..7 if last 2 digits are
12,16,24,32,36,52,56,64,72,76...then the no. is divisible by 4

means last 2 digits has possible 10 Combinations

So Answer=P(5,2)*10=20*10=200

its correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / iii

Answer 1:
At unit's place 7 possibilities r dere.
At ten's place 6,
At hundred's place 5,
At thousand's place 4.

Therefore, 7*6*5*4=840

Answer 2:
for any number to b divisible by 4, the last two digit must
b divisible by 4. Such 2 digit combinations possible are.....
There are total 7 nos
out of which a 4 digit no is to be formed.
7 nos can be arranged in 7! and 4 digit no. can be formed
in 4*7! ways
At last two places, any one combination out of these 10 is
possible. For first two digits in the 4 digit number, the
possible combinations are 5*4=20
So there r 20*10=200 numbers divisible by 4.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / deepanjeyakumar

Answer1 840;
Answer2 180;

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 14 No

A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / ?

how am i supposed to know?

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 13 No

A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / guest


Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 29 No

A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / r.ravi kiran

1)1 four digit number

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 22 No

A four digit number is to be formed using the digits 1 to 7 All digits of the number are different ..

Answer / guest

1.only one

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 19 No

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