what is a test plan....... can any one explain me with an
example.... and how to develop an test plan.........

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what is a test plan....... can any one explain me with an example.... and how to develop an test p..

Answer / aparnaganjam

Test plan is a technical document which describes overall
testing objectives.
It describes
1. what functionalities to do
2. how to perform test execution
3. number of resources required
4. Risks involved and how to overcome

This will be prepare by test lead.

There will be predefined format for every company. they
will change some values in that according to SRS.
U can find some sample test plan documents online.


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what is a test plan....... can any one explain me with an example.... and how to develop an test p..

Answer / n.ragav

Can u give a example please......

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what is a test plan....... can any one explain me with an example.... and how to develop an test p..

Answer / n.ragav

Thank you

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what is a test plan....... can any one explain me with an example.... and how to develop an test p..

Answer / pushpa

This document is a deliverable to client. It contains actual
plan for test execution with details to the minute.

It identifies:
test items
the features to be tested
the testing tasks
who will do each task, and
any risks requiring contingency planning

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