Why we are writting shell scripts?
Plz if possible explain it briefly.

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Why we are writting shell scripts? Plz if possible explain it briefly...

Answer / amaresh_83

1>Interactive mood:--
As Shell scripting is working like as interpreter (not
likely compiler) in a interactive mood.
2> Less time:--
it will take less time than C or C++ or other file to process.

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Why we are writting shell scripts? Plz if possible explain it briefly...

Answer / ashok

Shell is a command interpeter. If we want to run multiple
commands at a time through a script file then it is called
shell scripts.

Generally we will write these to set certain environmental
variables in unix and run some other programs.

The shell scripts utility programs to perform certain tasks
in unix environment.

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Why we are writting shell scripts? Plz if possible explain it briefly...

Answer / praveen tiwari

Shell script allows the user to perform his day-to-day
tasks sooner.Even a Shell Environment doesnt need a
graphical environment to write a script. So what happens is
it will be more easy for programmer to write shell scripts
on Command line environment , where it doesnt costs more
resources comparable to Graphical environment.

For example : Backup Scripts , Keeping Log files of system.
shell scripts makes you the task easier !!
And to automate the script in Linux we perform cron tasks.
Once cron has to be set. It performs operations automatically

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Why we are writting shell scripts? Plz if possible explain it briefly...

Answer / jrgalaura

Another one would be to automate routinary/housekeeping
tasks especially those long commands we keep on typing
everyday or weekly - we could write all those series of
commands in a script and just run that script anytime we
need it instead of writing all those hard to memorize
commands all the time.

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Why we are writting shell scripts? Plz if possible explain it briefly...

Answer / sri

Can any one explain Automation using Shell script

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Why we are writting shell scripts? Plz if possible explain it briefly...

Answer / nagireddyunix

Shell is command line interpreter, in shell script we can
write multiple commands to do particular task by executing
the shell script.
shell is used to set our environment.

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