Does the application have more than one object? If no, then
what is the reason?

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Does the application have more than one object? If no, then what is the reason?..

Answer / srinivas endra

No, One application does not contain more than one
application object.
Since, the program can defines a single global application
object, which can represent only one application.

One Application cannot have more than one object and can
represent more than one application. I can say, this cann't
happen and opposite to behavior.

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Does the application have more than one object? If no, then what is the reason?..

Answer / bijender singh

No,one application can't have more than one object.
Because when we create the Application class object.It
calls WinMain() function & which calls AfxWinInit() to
register the window class, InitInstace() to start,show &
update the window.
Than calls the Run() function which call
CWinThread::MessagePump() for message loop.
Once it receive the WM_QUIT message it will call AfxWinTerm
() to cleanup & exit the application.

So once you create the Application object the Primary
thread will start which is called as UI Thread.
One program can have only one Main function which do all
the above mentioned job.
That's why we can create the one object only.

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Does the application have more than one object? If no, then what is the reason?..

Answer / abhijit

The CWinApp (derived) object is linked to the process'
primary thread. If for some reason we do indeed need two
objects then which will constitute the primary thread!! how
would the framework differentiate!!

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Does the application have more than one object? If no, then what is the reason?..

Answer / swetha

An Application can not have more than one object.B'coz only
WinMain() fn will be there for per application.Application
class itself calls the WinMain() fn.So, if we create more
than one object more than one WinMain() will yield error
condition.Therefore one object for an application is

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Does the application have more than one object? If no, then what is the reason?..

Answer / vivek

Yes one application can have more than one object.

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