How do you review the test cases which are prepared by your
team member. answer is: using traceability matrix, matching
testcases with the requirements. He again asked - assume
that all the test cases are matched with the requirements,
then what do you do, how do you proceed in this case..

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How do you review the test cases which are prepared by your team member. answer is: using traceabil..

Answer / ajay

If all the testcases are matching with the specifications
we check for the repeatability and also for the unique
testcases.. The main purpose of a testcase is that the
testcase should be in a very simple form but should be
powerful so it can be easily understadable while execution.
Like the purpose, steps, expected value-actual value...

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How do you review the test cases which are prepared by your team member. answer is: using traceabil..

Answer / me

when all test cases are matched with the requirements check
for positive and highest piority test case for executing
w.r.t CLIENT and TIME

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1.1 Purpose This tool is also a simple tool, but will be graphics- intensive, and will access the 3 databases (card databases) used in Tarot. 1.2 Scope Only for registered user. 1.3 User Interface - No questions asked, parrot pulls out tarot card - Inside Parrot application, User just have to click on a link saying ""XXXX"" to activate the tool. - Shown is the card of the day, from pack of Tarot cards(78 in number) with fixed graphics, animation, audio. Output: - Graphic-rich display of randomly selected card with detailed meaning, with links to tarot tool. - Graphics: Flying / walking parrot, emerging and choosing a card, displaying the same, and continuing to interact based on card meaning. - The cards also need to carry a brief 1/0 meaning, which will trigger a 1/0 behavior from the parrot (sympathy/making fun/crying or congratulating/smiling/winking)

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