a) What will be the value of b? why
b) If in 1st stmt a=0 is replaced by -1, b=?
c) If in second stmt a=0 is replaced by -1, b=?

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a=0; b=(a=0)?2:3; a) What will be the value of b? why b) If in 1st stmt a=0 is replaced by -1, b=..

Answer / syamkumarm

because it is ternery operator its work like a if.. else..
in the comdition part a=0 i.e. the result of expression is
zero so it goes to else part i.s 3



Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 3 No

a=0; b=(a=0)?2:3; a) What will be the value of b? why b) If in 1st stmt a=0 is replaced by -1, b=..

Answer / ashwin kumar

3 is the answer

2nd guy says we can't use "=" it's wroung we can use it in
this condition .


1st it will check condition part , condition part will
C LANGUAGE , here we are assiging zero to 'a' which give

from basic of above contion , it condition return false it
will execute or return 2nd statement, i.e 3

so out put will be 3

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

a=0; b=(a=0)?2:3; a) What will be the value of b? why b) If in 1st stmt a=0 is replaced by -1, b=..

Answer / vignesh1988i

the value is 0 so this will go to 3.. the value of b=3
a) b=3... since we are not comparing the value os a's...
this is an assignment statement.... so a itself is 0, which
is an false condition.... so it moves to 3

b) the value of b=2... since -1 ia an non zero value... the
whole term wil become true....

c) b=2... same reson as above

actually the above conditional operater statement must be
full y enclosed witin braces.... then only we should assign
to a variable....

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

a=0; b=(a=0)?2:3; a) What will be the value of b? why b) If in 1st stmt a=0 is replaced by -1, b=..

Answer / vaibhav

becoz in ternay operator if statement is true then it
returns non zero vaqlue othervise it return 0 in that case
we initialize the value of a is 0 therefore it will exicute
a else part

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

a=0; b=(a=0)?2:3; a) What will be the value of b? why b) If in 1st stmt a=0 is replaced by -1, b=..

Answer / simply rockz

in ternary operator a condition is required/// like..

so.. illegal use of ternary.../* "=" is an assignment operator*/

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 5 No

a=0; b=(a=0)?2:3; a) What will be the value of b? why b) If in 1st stmt a=0 is replaced by -1, b=..

Answer / ashwin kumar molugu

a)1st answer will be 3
in statement 1
b)if a=0 replaced with -1 its an error
in statement 2
c)if a=0 replaced with -1 2

answer is 2 becoz -1 is taken as true in c language

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 4 No

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