what is cyclomatic complexity and what is the formula used
for it

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what is cyclomatic complexity and what is the formula used for it..

Answer / sunny

Cyclomatic complexity: Is a metric that provides a
quantitative measure of the logical complexity of a
program.It defines number of independent paths in the basis

Cyclomatic comlexity V(G)=

--> Number of edges-number of nodes + 1
--> Number of predicate nodes + 1
--> Independent region + 1

Note: Predicate nodes means conditions.


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what is cyclomatic complexity and what is the formula used for it..

Answer / ankita agrawal

1.) no. of regions of the flow graph correspond to the
cyclomatic complexity.
2.)cyclomatic complexity, V(G), for a flow graph, G, is
defined as V(G)=E-N+2
where E is the no. of flow graph edges, N is the no. of
flow graph nodes.
3.)cyclomatic compexity, V(G)=P+1
where, P is the no. of predicate nodes contained in the
flow graph G.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 3 No

what is cyclomatic complexity and what is the formula used for it..

Answer / mfsi_priyankaa

Cyclomatic complexity is used to indicate the complexity of
a program. It directly measures the number of linearly
independent paths through a program's source code.

No. of decision + 1.
and L-N+2P
L=no. of edges
N=no. of nodes
P=no. of independent path (1)

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what is cyclomatic complexity and what is the formula used for it..

Answer / suneel reddy

cyclomatic complexity measures the quantitative measure of
the logical complexicity
NO of conditions+1

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 7 No

what is cyclomatic complexity and what is the formula used for it..

Answer / gopaldas

Cyclomatic complexity is no of independent paths in a
program.It is calculated using the formula L-N+2P where L
is no of links,N is no of nodes and P is no of independent

Shortcut for calculating CC:

No of Decisions + 1

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 5 No

what is cyclomatic complexity and what is the formula used for it..

Answer / dipti surve

cyclomatic complexity is technique of whitebox testing. its
requires internal logic. i.e.coding part
Cyclomatic comlexity V(G)=

--> Number of edges-number of nodes + 1
--> Number of predicate nodes + 1
--> Independent region + 1

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 8 No

what is cyclomatic complexity and what is the formula used for it..

Answer / vedha_sathya

cyclomatic complexity measures the quantitative measure of
the logical complexicity
NO of conditions+1

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 9 No

what is cyclomatic complexity and what is the formula used for it..

Answer / vedha_sathya

cyclomatic complexity measures the quantitative measure of
the logical complexicity
NO of conditions+1

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 6 No

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